Masontown News
I will not be available for announcements for Sept. 30. Please send announcements intended for Sept. 30 to me by Sept. 18. I will be happy to include them in the column on Sept. 23.
n Farmer’s Market is held every Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. at the German-Masontown Park.
n The All Saints Church Planning Committee is holding a bingo/card party for seniors at 2 p.m. on Sept. 30 in the All Saints School cafeteria. Admission is $5 and a light luncheon will be provided. Bingo is 25 cents per card and the winner takes all in each game.
Small groups may choose to play card games instead. There will be sign-up sheets placed at each entrance of the church or you may call Anita at 724-583-8505 to indicate you are coming. Deadline for registration is Sept. 23.
n The Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department is holding a toy bash Oct. 6. Doors open at noon. Drawings begin at 1 p.m. Food and refreshments will be available.
Friends of Library meets
The next Friends of the German-Masontown Library is at 1 p.m. Sept. 19 in the library’s conference room.
Masontown Seniors
Masontown Senior Center enjoyed many recent activities such as Nutt Day, Luau Party, root beer floats after bingo and community breakfast every Wednesday. A new session of exercise classes will begin tomorrow and you may enjoy a monthly Wii marathon.
The group is planning Apple Butter Day in October as well as a hymn sing and Octoberfest. A trip to Trax Farms is coming up soon and Oct. 18 is “Power of Positive Thinking Day.”
Flu shots will be available in Masontown Oct. 23 from 9 to 10 a.m. and Point Marion from 10:30 to 11 a.m. Smithfield Seniors will receive flu shots Oct. 25 from 10 to 11 a.m.
The Masontown Senior Center nourishes friends with good food, companionship and lots of important information to keep you healthy and happy. Contact the Masontown Senior Center for more information.
Library news
German-Masontown Public Library, in partnership with the American Library Association, is taking part in Library Card Sign Up Month. Pittsburgh Steeler (and library card spokesman) Troy Polamalu says, “The library card is the smartest card in my wallet. Sign up for yours today.”
The library will be having its preschool program on Tuesdays starting in mid-October. Visit the library to sign up your child.
Upcoming library events include:
n Sept. 24 at 4:20: Monday Movie, The Artist. Enjoy some popcorn with us and watch the Academy Award winning (mostly) silent film.
n Oct. 15 from 3 to 7 p.m., Snapshot PA Day celebrating libraries. Special event and tour planned to promote our library.
Wednesdays at 10:30: Storytime. Join our librarian in the children’s room for stories, songs and more.
Thursdays at 3:30: Knit-a-Bit. Needle workers of all skill level are invited to knit or crochet with us.
The German-Masontown Public Library is open Mondays from 3 to 7 p.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
There are computers available for public use and we have wireless Internet if you want to use your own devices in the library setting. We also offer fax and copy services.
For more information, call 724-583-7030.
Italian Ladies Circle
The Masontown Italian Ladies Circle will be holding their anniversary dinner on Oct. 7 beginning at 2:30 p.m. at Meloni’s Restaurant. Reservations must be made by Sept. 30. All dues must be paid by Nov. 30 in order to be eligible for the Christmas Party.