Perryopolis News
Larry Chalfant, Lisa Fisher, Pat Filak, Mary Anne Fao Susick, Posie Shultz and Lora Coffman celebrate birthdays today. Other birthdays this week include Andrew Bandish IV, who turns 6 on Tuesday; Ron E. Krofcheck and Irene Cowan, Wednesday; Jackie Stauffer, Thursday; Natalie Maise, Tim Bukowski, Friday; and Jimmy Floyd, Deidra Michelle Fao, Briggston Lawson, Mike Fedutes Jr., William Davis and William Ryann Suppa, Saturday.
Tony and Karen Fao celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary Tuesday.
n Today — Fire department open house, 1 to 4 p.m. See the new 2012 Pierce Saber pumper truck. Hot dogs, pizza, pop, face painting, balloons and a clown for children.
n Today — Lasagna dinner for St. Hedwig R.C. Church at the Smock Community Center from noon until 4 p.m., $ 8 for adults, children 10 and under $4. Dine in or take out.
n Tuesday — Parent training at the East End Community Center in Uniontown from 6 to 7:30 p.m. For more information, call Anne Peters at 724-736-1109.
n Wednesday — Wellness Walk at Sampey Park, 9:30 a.m. to noon. Fitness for people age 50 and over. Call 724-785-6180, extension 12 or your local senior center.
n Sept. 30 — Bunco at 1 p.m. at the fire hall. The $10 donation includes lunch. Call Faye 724-736-0354, Jeannette 724-483-0626 or Vi 412-508-7151.
n Sept. 30 — “Free Dinner and a Movie” night at the Methodist Church at 5 p.m. “Change of Plans.” For information, call 724-736-8850.
n Oct. 5 — Pioneer Days kick-off dance at Sampey Pavilion, D.J. Bob Johnson from 7 to 11 p.m.
n Oct. 6 — Hot Foot 5K Run/Walk at 9 a.m. Male and female runners, all age groups. For more information, call A.J. Boni at 412-582-1464.
n Oct. 7 — Byron Martini Jr. 5K Run/Walk at 8:30 a.m. Registration opens at 7:45 a.m. Registration the day of the race is $20. Benefits the Byron Martini Scholarship. Call 412-860-3648. For a registration form, email
n Oct. 14 — Santa Barbara Club, Newell, spaghetti dinner from noon to 6 p.m. Salad, bread and a drink for $7 for adults and $4 for children.
n Oct. 20 — Dawson Grange steak dinner from 4 to 7 p.m. at Brownfield Community Center, $14 per ticket/meal, only 250 tickets sold, no tickets will be sold at the door. Call Janet Smith at 724-736-2943 or Doug Gardner at 724-529-2213.
n Oct. 20 — Scaryopolis IV. To volunteer, call Elma Sokol at 724-726-4031 or Norene Halvonik 724-736-2133. Please help to make it a fun evening for the kids this Halloween.
n Bicentennial float committee, Pam at 724-736-0166.
n Ruthie’s email address has changed to
n Pioneer Days crafters and demonstrators are needed for the 2012 Pioneer Days Festival. For more information, call Cindy at 724-880-0990. To display a quilt at Pioneer Days, call Leslie Chalfant at 724-736-2395. Also, we would love if anyone has a quilt they would donate to raffle off.
Spaghetti dinner
The Perry Township Volunteer Fire Department will be hold a homemade spaghetti dinner at the fire hall from noon to 5 p.m. Oct. 7. Adults are $7, children under 12 are $4. Take-outs are available.
Frazier Youth Wrestling will hold sign-ups for students ages 5-14 at Perry Elementary on Oct. 1 and 2 from 5 to 7 p.m. No experience needed.
Frazier Hall of Fame
David G. Blozowich, superintendent of schools at Frazier School District, announced that the Frazier Hall of Fame Committee is accepting nominations for the “Frazier School District Hall of Fame.” Nominations are being accepted through Oct. 15. Nomination forms are available at any of the district’s schools, at the district’s administrative offices, the Frazier Community Library and on the website at
The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to recognize those alumni of the Frazier School District who have distinguished themselves through outstanding achievements in their professional career or through outstanding contributions to their community or society. To be considered for the Hall of Fame, a candidate must meet the following criteria: 1) The candidate must be an alumni of the Frazier School District; 2) A period of 12 years must have elapsed since the candidate’s graduation; 3) The candidate must have distinguished himself/herself through outstanding achievements in his/her professional career or through outstanding contributions to his/her community or to society.
Under the character of the Hall of Fame, outstanding achievements in one’s professional career are described as accomplishments that make the candidate clearly stand out among his/her colleagues. Outstanding contributions to the community or to society are described as those acts that have led to major improvements in the quality of life in the candidate’s community or in society.
Any Frazier alumni or current student may nominate a candidate for the Hall of Fame. Nominations must be submitted on official forms that are provided by the Hall of Fame Committee.
The Hall of Fame committee will review the nominations and will elect inductees into the Hall of Fame. Up to three inductees may be elected each year.
During the induction ceremony, the school district will present each inductee with a plaque to commemorate his/her election into the Hall of Fame. The district will also hang a framed portrait of the inductee in the Hall of Fame which will be located at Frazier High School.
Parks and Recreation Authority
The Gue House is available for rent as a small retail shop or other community oriented activity at $125 a month plus electricity and gas. The building has no water or bathroom facilities. If interested, call the P&RA through Norene at 724-736-2133.
Library news
The Frazier Community Library Book Club will meet at 7 p.m. Monday. The book for discussion is the “Paris Wife” by Paula McLain. New members are invited to join. Call the library at 724-736-8480. The library will be closed Oct. 6 for Pioneer Days Weekend.
Rostraver meeting
The Greater Rostraver Chamber of Commerce will meet Tuesday at The Willow Room. Guest Speakers will be Patricia Brickner and Linda Jack from PA CareerLink, Mon Valley. You do not need to be a member of the GRC to attend the luncheons. Non-members pay $15 per luncheon. Reservations are required by calling 724-929-3329 and lunch is payable at the door, cash or check only. Reservations must be paid for whether you attend or not.
Wellness Walk
A Wellness Walk will be held at Sampey Park, Perryopolis 9:30 a.m. to noon Wednesday. Fitness, activities, screenings and a picnic will be on hand for people age 50 and over. To register, call 724-785-6180, extension 12 or your local senior center.