Perryopolis News 3-24-13
Norma Baker, Steve Sholtas, Lindsay Farquhar and Barb Mehalov celebrate birthdays today. Other birthdays this week include: Patti Cowan Pavtis and Dan Coldren, Monday; Mark Matras, Christopher Uhren and Benjie Sager, Wednesday; Victor Masciarelli and Kenny Fine, Thursday; Janet Stanley Martin and Pat Palmer, Friday; and Jacob Anderkovitch and Chris Thompson, Saturday.
Arlene and Scott Hutchinson celebrate their wedding anniversary on Saturday.
Today — The Easter Bunny, 2 to 4 p.m., Perryopolis Borough building. Treats will be given to the kids.
Fridays — Fish fry, noon to 9 p.m., Sons of Italy fish fry, including Good Friday. Orders: 724-736-8983.
Fridays — Fish Fry, noon to 6 p.m., St. John’s social center. Bring your own container for carry-out. Place advanced orders by calling 724-736-2036 or 724-736-4032 and 724-366-9038 on Fridays.
Fridays — Fish sandwiches, 6 to 10 p.m., the Moose. Call 724-736-2940.
Fridays — Fish and shrimp dinners and pierogies, 6 to 11 p.m., Santa Barbara club in Newell. For information, call 724-938 2553.
Fridays — Fish fry, 3 to 6 p.m., Smock Volunteer Fire Department social hall on Shaffer Ave., except Good Friday. Orders: 724-677-2400.
April 6 — Purse Bash, 4:30 p.m., spaghetti dinner at 5:30 p.m. and drawings start at 6 p.m., Perry Fire Hall. Benefits the fire department.
April 14 — Bunco, 1 p.m., the Perryopolis Fire Hall. Event includes a light lunch. Call 724-736-0354 for information and tickets.
Franklin Community Pool & Park is selling pre-season pool passes. For more information, including pavilion rentals, call manager Pam Constantine at 724-529-0318.
Free Tai Chi classes at the borough building. Call Sue Daniels for times and details at 724-736-4076.
Perryopolis Food Bank is looking for a new director, call Helen Coldren at 724-736-2713.
Head Start, Early Head Start of Fayette County is taking applications for the 2013-2014 year. Call 724-430-4818.
Perryopolis Senior Center is still in need of volunteer drivers for the Meals on Wheels program and other activities.
Gospel concert
April 7 — Concert of gospel music by The Richters, 6 p.m., at the Perryopolis United Methodist Church. There is no charge, but a goodwill offering will be accepted.
Dawson Grange
April 21 — Dawson Grange No. 419 Community fair barbecue chicken dinner, noon to 3 p.m. Both and adult and children’s menu will be available. Call Janet at 724-736-2943, Sharon at 724-736-8166 or Doug at 724-529-2213 for tickets or more information.
Fairview Methodist
May 4 — Fairview Church’s annual basket auction, doors open at noon and event starts at 1 p.m. Tickets include a light lunch. Tickets may be purchased at the door or from any church member. The auction will be held outside, weather permitting, so bring your own lawn chair. For more information, call the church at 724-677-0828 or Karen Langley at 724-677-4503.
Library news
The Frazier Community Library will be closed for the Easter Holiday from March 28 through April 1. The library will reopen April 2 at 2:50 p.m.
The library has 2012 PA Tax forms. Library hours are 2:50 to 8 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:50 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays. Please call the library at 724-736-8480 for more information.
On Wednesday, March 6, Frazier Youth Wrestling had 17 wrestlers place at the Fayette County qualifiers:
First place: Dailan McManus, Jake Thomas, Rune Lawrence, Alex Poorbaugh, Brayden Boggs, Harry Johnson and Dalton Kmetz; second place: Jonah Erdely, Colton Lawson, Matthew Kordich, Thayne Lawrence, Ryan VonBergen and Tyler Girvin; third place: Jacob Kordich, Nick Blanish, Samuel Gouldsbrough and Logan Kulikowski. These wrestlers advanced to the Area 1 Qualifiers.
On March 9, Frazier Youth Wrestlers attended Charleroi Battle for the Belt Tournament. First place was Rune Lawrence and third place was Thayne Lawrence.
On March 16, Frazier Wrestlers attended Area 1 Qualifiers. First-place Harry Johnson, the first Area 1 champion; Second place: Jake Thomas and Rune Lawrence; Third place: Thayne Lawrence. Top two go to states, so Johnson, Thomas and Rune Lawrence represented Frazier at the State Wrestling Championships for Junior Olympics this weekend.
The Bicentennial committee is looking for local craftspeople to demonstrate old crafts such as: blacksmithing, tatting, spinning, potters and more. Anyone wishing to demonstrate their skills and knowledge, call Ruthie at 724-736-2578.
The next Bicentennial meeting will be held at 7 p.m. April 17 at the Perry fire hall.
The Perryopolis Firemen’s Carnival will be held from June 18 to 22.