
Give-A-Christmas total rises to $7,476

By Frances Borsodi Zajac fzajac@heraldstandard.Com 4 min read

The generosity of Herald-Standard readers has sent the Give-A-Christmas total to $7,476 with $2,760 received in the latest donations.

“That’s so wonderful! Thank you so much,” said Sparkle, the Christmas star, who is mascot for the campaign. “This is a big help to us as we try to raise $50,000 for the Salvation Army to help people in your own neighborhoods. We appreciate all these donations.”

The latest contributions came from Masontown, Uniontown, Vanderbilt, Brownsville, Fairchance, Hopwood, Newell, Point Marion, Fayette City, Smock, McClellandtown, Grindstone, Greensboro, Chalk Hill, Lemont Furnace, Elco and Clarksville

Donors also sent some nice holiday wishes:

“Dear Friends, We extend our thanks to the Herald-Standard for once again partnering with the Salvation Army to help meet the needs of many people of our community. We also extend our thanks to the Salvation Army for all that they do to allow people to experience the love of Jesus at Christmas when we celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world,” wrote Nicholas J. Cook, pastor, of the gift sent from Abundant Life Church in Uniontown.

“Give so others may have,” wrote Steve Minnick of Fairchance.

“Please remember our military women and men all over the world,” wrote David M. Callahan, Point Marion tax collector.

“Please keep our troops safe and healthy and bring the ones overseas home safe and sound,” wrote Steve and Linda Evon of Elco.

Contributions will continue to be received until noon on Dec. 23. The final amount raised will be reported in the Christmas Eve edition of the Herald-Standard. Donations can be mailed to Give-A-Christmas, c/o Herald-Standard, 8-18 E. Church St., Uniontown, PA 15401 or brought to the Herald-Standard office in Uniontown from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Sparkle cans also have been placed in numerous store locations in the Herald-Standard distribution area.

Today’s other donors include: Paul Verska, Masontown; Polly Hamborsky, in memory of my husband, John, Uniontown; Ron and Bonnie Rifenburg, Uniontown; Bill and Carolyn Mosser, in memory of J. Emerson Franty, William C. Mosser Sr., David A. Mosser, Vanderbilt; Charlotte Drylie, in memory of my parents, Floyd and Hazel Currie, my husband, Nelson Drylie, and my sister Flora Johns, Brownsville; Laurel Highlands High School’s Annual Senior/Junior Powderpuff Game, cheerleaders and football players, Uniontown; Central Christian Church, Uniontown; Dorothy Wheeler, Uniontown; Barbara Hoferer, in loving memory of my husband, Frank Hoferer Jr., Frank and Helen Hoferer Sr., Henry and Freda Festog Sr., Gene and Jackie Festog, Henry Festog Jr. and Clarence Kelley, Uniontown; Sandra Seech, Hopwood; Delores Kozis, in memory of John Kozis, Vince Todara, Gene Enfield, Sam Yeardie, Bill and Judy Dominic, Melody Yeardie, Jamie Enfield, John Kozis Jr., Nickie Todara, Tara Todara, Mike and Marlene Kozis, Michael Kozis, Angela and Keith Germano, Alex Hermano and Vern Bloom, Newell; Sandra Shoemaker, Uniontown; Frances Staley, Fayette City; Calvary United Methodist Church, Uniontown; Joy A. Craig, Uniontown; Martha Kempic, Uniontown; Carol Ann Fabriziani, in memory of deceased family members and in honor of my grandchildren, Gage, Kane, Kasey and Alissa, Newell; Ronald Gaydos, Uniontown; Ruth M. Kelley, in memory of Dr. Clarence R. Kelley, Freda and Henry Festog, Henry Festog Jr., Eugene and Jackie Festog, Evert Stafford and Mildred Stafford, Uniontown; anonymous, Smock; Ed and Jody Yauger, in honor of our grandchildren Annette and Miranda Yauger, Jimmy and Madison Tweardy and in memory of Jillian Tweardy, Uniontown; Beverly and Herb Lohr, in honor of our daughter and brother who have conquered three bouts of cancer, McClellandtown; Ginnie McVey with love in memory of Inez Thomas (mom), Larry McVey (husband), Ethan and Casey Hart (grandsons), Grindstone; Rose and Jack Pringle, Greensboro; Ted and Ginny Shutok, Uniontown; Theodore and Sharon Genovese II, in honor of Ted and Phyllis Genovese Sr., Chalk Hill; Brandon and Olivia Crutchman, in memory of Thomas J. Brushy Sr., Ira and Kathryn Crutchman, Thomas and Victoria Barhett, Frank and Mac Brosky, Lemont Furnace; Kathryn A. Menni, in memory of loved ones, Uniontown; anonymous, McClellandtown; William A. Chambers, Clarksville; Miles and Debra Baker, Fairchance.


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