
Community Calendar 12-14-14

13 min read

Holiday events

n Center in the Woods holiday events include a Christmas concert 11 a.m. Tuesday and Holiday Joy Christmas Dinner and annual ADC cookie sale 10 a.m. Wednesday. Information:

n Polish Heritage Club of Uniontown annual Polish Christmas Eve dinner, 6 p.m. Friday, Polish Club Hall, South Mount Vernon Avenue, Uniontown. This year will mark the 25th anniversary of the dinner. Reservations: 724-438-1036.

n The Interfaith Caregivers of Fayette County are hosting their “2nd Annual Christmas Open House for Volunteers,” 1-3 p.m. Wednesday in the Community Action Board Room, Interfaith Caregivers, 137 N. Beeson Blvd., Uniontown. Refreshments will be served. Information: 724-438-0709.

n First annual Fay-West Santa Claus is Coming to Connellsville food and toy drive, 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Connellsville Eagles Club, 114 S. Arch St., Connellsville. There will be live Christmas music with Chuck Cantalemessa and Santa Claus. There will be food and refreshments. The event will benefit the Connellsville Area Community Ministries, Salvation Army, St. Vincent DePaul and area churches. Information: 724-322-2396, 724-626-7813 and 724-323-3833.

n East End United Community Center Winter Wonderland, 6-8 p.m. Thursday, at the community center. Come see Santa, take a walk through the winter wonderland and get a picture with Santa and refreshment. The event is free.

n Christ Church Anglican 18th-century Christmas service, 6 p.m. Friday, 319 Church St., Brownsville. The service is taken from the 1789 prayer book of the Anglican Church. The one-hour service will feature the Kovscek family (portraying the Bowmans) of Brownsville and the Rev. Norman Erb-White, all dressed in period attire. Following the service, the “Bowman family” will retire to Nemacolin Castle to perform Christmas carols for the Brownsville Historical Society’s candlelight tours, which are $8 for adults and $4 for children 12 and under.

n Masontown Matters church walking tour, 3 p.m. Dec. 21, starting at Masontown Brethren Church, 110 W. Church Ave. The tour will walk to the United Methodist Church, South Main and Cross streets; Saint Mary Nativity Orthodox Church, 309 S. Washington St., Cannon Hill; Bridge Baptist Church, 9 S. Washington St.; First Presbyterian Church, 102 W. Church Ave.; and Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, just across the street where Christmas caroling will begin at 5 p.m. followed with hot cocoa and cookies served at the church. The event is free.

Community notices

n Due to the Christmas holidays the Recycling Center on Romeo Lane will be closed on Dec. 24 and Dec. 25. Masontown, Zone 4, will be collected on Dec. 26. Uniontown, Zone 8, will be collected Dec. 26. Due to the New Year’s holiday the Recycling Center will be closed on Jan. 1. Collections for North Union, Zone 1, and South Union, Zone 4, and Uniontown, Zone 2, will be picked up Jan. 2. Information: 724-437-9987.

Reunions planned

n German Township High School Class of 1965 50th reunion, Aug. 15. Contact information: or 39025 Twincreek Lane, Lovettsville, Virginia.

n The North Union All Class Reunion committee is gathering addresses for the all class reunion. Current addresses for all classmates through the class of 1966 are needed: All Class Reunion, PO Box 66, Oliver, PA 15472 or

Fundraisers slated

n First Christian Church of Republic cookbooks for sale. The book is $15 and will feature a collection of recipes from the church. Information: 724-246-1601 or 724-246-2005.

n St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church pirohi sale, 201 E. Main St., Uniontown. Choice of potato and cheese or sauerkraut pirohi. Orders can be placed 9 a.m. each Monday through Thursday morning for Friday pickup in the church’s social hall. The cost is $7 a dozen and includes the container. Lunch will be served 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fridays. Orders: 724-434-5355.

n Friends of the Uniontown Public Library restaurant coupon books for 2015 are available at the library or from members. The book is $20 and includes 61 coupons for 50 restaurants in Uniontown, Connellsville and Brownsville. All proceeds benefit the library. Information: 724-437-1165.

n Uniontown Sons of Italy eat-in or takeout pasta dinners, 3:30-7 p.m. Wednesday, Sons of Italy, Old Route 119, three miles north of Uniontown. Containers of sauce may also be purchased. Orders: 724-439-2290.

n The McClellandtown Volunteer Fire Company will sponsor a spaghetti dinner 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Jan. 4 at the fire company social hall. The menu will include spaghetti, salad bar, bread, dessert and beverage. Cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children ages 12 years and under. Takeout is available, and deliveries within 3 miles with orders of three or more dinners are available. Information: 724-892-2161 or 724-737 5081.

Events set

n Mon Valley Railroad Historical Society, Inc. holiday model railroad open house, noon-5 p.m. today, 128 Pleasant St., Morgantown (under Black Bear Burritos). This HO scale empire has over 700 feet of mainline and scenes inspired by the history of the Mountain State. There will be train videos, music, giveaways, refreshments, Chinese auction and more all day. Information:, 304-276-1046 or

n Preschool Storytime, 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays, German-Masontown Public Library. They read stories, sing, make crafts, have a light snack and lots of fun.

n German-Masontown Public Library offers assistance with GED preparation, résumé writing and interview skills 1-4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.

n Knit-a-Bit group, 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays, German-Masontown Public Library. All ages and abilities of needle workers are invited to bring their current crochet or knitting project.

n Preschool story time, 11 a.m. to noon Wednesdays, Carnegie Free Library, 299 S. Pittsburgh St., Connellsville. Information: 724-628-1380 or

n “Pack the Center Day,” Friday, Center in the Woods. The 20th-anniversary celebration will feature guest speakers, give-aways and more. Information:

n Live Nativity Christmas dinner and carol singing, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, New Meadow Run and Spring Valley, Farmington. Reservations: 724-329-1100.

n Handel’s “The Messiah,” 6:30 p.m. Dec. 21, Spring Valley, Farmington. Guests are invited to join with the singing. Reservations: 724-329-1100.

n Masontown Community Kitchen meal, 4-6 p.m. Dec. 23, First Presbyterian Church, 102 W. Church Ave., Masontown. The holiday menu will be baked ham, potatoes, vegetables, desserts and Panera breads. The meals are free, but donations are gratefully accepted and are used for future meals. Information and to volunteer: 724-583-9514 or 724-943-3013.

n 2015 Pro-Life contest, students in grades 9-12 can participate in a multimedia or essay contest with the theme “What prompted the annual March for Life” and students in grades 6-8 can participate in an essay contest with the theme “Why I’m glad my mom chose life for me.” The high school category will award $125 for first place and $75 for second place. The junior high category will award $100 for first place, $50 for second place and $25 for honorable mention. All students must reside in or attend a school in Fayette and Westmoreland County. Submissions must be postmarked by Jan. 22. Information: or 724-628-5555.

Meetings scheduled

n Pals Ladies’ Auxiliary Christmas party, 1 p.m. today, social hall. Reservations due Monday, and dues for 2015 should be paid by Dec. 31. No receipts for paid dues will be given at the party.

n Brownsville Women’s Democrat Club, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Food Bar Restaurant. RSVP to Dolores.

n Hopwood Garden Club Christmas party, 11 a.m. Tuesday, Bogey’s at Duck Hollow. Awards will be presented.

Religious events set

n The sanctuary of the Masontown United Methodist Church will be open noon to 1 p.m. Thursday for silent meditation and prayer. If desired, Pastor Chuck Prevot will be available to pray. Communion will also be available. The church will also have a candlelight service on Christmas Eve at 11 p.m.

n St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, 307 High St., Brownsville, will hold worship at 9 a.m. today for the third Sunday of Advent with Zane Mitchell; Dec. 21 for the fourth Sunday of Advent with the Rev. Charles Hartbauer; a Christmas Eve service with communion at 8 p.m. Dec. 24 with the Rev. Donald B. Green; and another worship service at 9 a.m. Dec. 28 with Zane Mitchell.

n Christian Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, 6:30 a.m. Wednesday, Third Presbyterian Church, Union Street, Uniontown. There will be a full breakfast, hymn singing, intercessory prayers and Gospel centered message. The Rev. Kevin Anderson, pastor of Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church in Uniontown, will be the guest speaker.

n Hopewell Presbyterian Church, 400 Hopewell Road, Brownsville, will hold 10 a.m. worship service today for the third Sunday of Advent with the Rev. Randy Costolo; Dec. 21 for the fourth Sunday of Advent with the Rev. Louise Corbett; a Christmas Eve service with community at 6 p.m. Dec. 24 with the Rev. Louise Corbett; and a 10 a.m. worship service Dec. 28 with the Rev. Randy Costolo.

n Central Christian Church, 23 S. Gallatin Ave., Uniontown, will host its live Nativity at 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. Friday. Visitors are invited inside the church to view creche displays and enjoy refreshments. Information: 724-438-6821.

n First Baptist Church of Fairchance, 17 N. Morgantown St., will present a live Nativity from 6-8 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Refreshments are available. Participation is open to the community. Information: 724-564-2080 or visit

n Grace United Methodist Church in Coal Center is hosting its eighth annual community Christmas Eve barn service at 5 p.m. Dec. 24 at the Waleski Barn, 38 Emery Road, Richeyville, just off Route 40. The 25-minute service includes a live Nativity and singing of Christmas carols. Information: 724-330-5350 or visit

n Liberty Baptist Church, 183 Oliver Road, Uniontown, will host a live Nativity called “From the Cradle to the Cross” from 5-7:30 p.m. Dec. 21 in a stable built on the side of the church where a large cross hangs. The church begins the event with a meet-and-greet that includes refreshments. The Nativity starts at 6 p.m. Information: 724-437-2424.

n Mount Macrina Manor will hold its 21st annual live Nativity with live animals on the grounds of Mount St. Macrina, located along Route 40 in North Union Township, from 5-7 p.m. today. The Sisters of St. Basil the Great and other groups will sing carols. Angels will pass out candy canes. Five hundred luminarias will line the driveway that leads to the Nativity. Information: 724-430-1021.

n Pleasant View Presbyterian Church, 533 Royal Road in Smock, will offer a live Nativity from 6-8 p.m. today. Visitors start at the church where music is playing, walk outside through a marketplace and continue to the Nativity. There will be free hot chocolate and cookies. Information: 724-677-2149 or visit

n Smithfield United Methodist Church will offer a live Nativity at 5 p.m. Dec. 21.

n Spring Valley Bruderhof and New Meadow Run Bruderhof, located off Route 40, Farmington, will both have a live Nativity with caroling 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Information: 724-329-1100.

n Uniontown Larger Parish of the United Methodist Church will have live Nativities at Upper Middletown United Methodist Church, 506 Old Route 51, Smock, from 6-8 p.m. Dec. 20 and Community United Methodist Church, 1264 W. Penn Blvd., Uniontown, from 7:30-9 p.m. Dec. 24. Community Church will follow its Nativity with a candlelight Christmas Eve service at 9 p.m. Information: 724-434-2271.

n United Christian Church, 499 Malden Road in Coal Center, hosts its 25th anniversary live Nativity, called “Journey to Bethlehem,” 7-9 p.m. today. The presentation includes nine dramatic scenes and a revolving spotlight that serves as a star. Visitors are permitted to drive or walk through the display. Information: 724-938-2098 or visit

n Liberty Baptist Church, 183 Oliver Road, will hold a holiday toy drive 5-7:30 p.m. Dec. 19. The church will also have a children’s Christmas play 11 a.m. Dec. 21, followed by a dinner and Christmas carols at 5 p.m. A live Nativity will be held at 6 p.m. Worship services will be held at 7 p.m. Dec. 22, 23 and 24.

n Advent events at New Salem Presbyterian Church, 27 S. Mill St., New Salem. Adult bell choir, 11 a.m. today; Children’s Chime Choir, 11 a.m. today; Children’s Christmas program, 11 a.m. Dec. 21. Information: 724-245-2200.

n Trinity United Methodist Church will hold a Christmas Eve candlelight service 11 p.m. Dec. 24 at the church, 27 N. Main St., Fairchance. The service will include the Christmas story in scripture and song.

n The Christian Church of Connellsville will celebrate the Christmas season with a special service of “Carols by Candlelight” 7-8 p.m. Wednesday.

Volunteers needed

n Angels of Mercy animal and adoption agency is looking for new members and volunteers. Meetings are held at 6 p.m., the second Wednesday of the month, Franklin Memorial Church, Dunbar. Information: 724-317-5558.

n Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA is looking for people to serve as point person for specific communities. Anyone who is interested in helping to raise awareness and distribute literature throughout the organization’s service area of Fayette, Greene and Washington counties can email The organization is also looking for individuals, businesses, schools, churches and agencies to join in the “No More” to domestic violence and unhealthy relationships campaign. Information:

n The Crime Victims’ Center of Fayette County offers age-appropriate programs on various topics that are available from ages 3 through adult. Topics may include personal safety, bullying, dating violence, recognizing abuse and many others. All programs are free of charge. Information and to volunteer: 724-438-1470.

n Fayette County Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels, pack and sort food at the Food bank, and office help/data entry. All offer flexible schedules. Information: 724-437-6050 ext. 4276 or email at

n Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Fayette County is looking for volunteers age 55 and older to use their skills and talents at non-profit agencies throughout Fayette County. Areas of need are hunger relief, tax assistance, family services, arts and culture, education, office help, leadership, outreach and much more. Information: 724-437-6050 ext. 4276 or email at

n The Albert Gallatin Class of 2015 Post Prom Committee is looking for volunteers to help with a calendar party noon to 2 p.m. Feb. 28 at the Fairchance Fire Hall. Table sponsors are needed for the months of August and September or the volunteer may select a theme. Information: 724-438-0881. The group is also seeking people to donate gift cards for a separate fundraiser. Gift cards can be viewed and purchased at All donations are due by April 15, 2015.

n The Center of Hope, 338 W. Main St., Uniontown, is in need of volunteers interested in becoming peer counselors at the pregnancy center. A training class is required and provided at the Center of Hope. Volunteers are also needed to process donations and arrange displays in the “Baby Boutique.” Volunteers also help with clerical work and assist at fundraising events. Information: 724-438-6070.

n The Center in the Woods and Adult Day Center in Uniontown and in California are in need of volunteers. Anyone interested in assisting participants with activities or by being a friend, call 724-938-3554 ext. 123 or 124.

POLICY — Community calendar runs each Sunday in the Herald-Standard. Items for the calendar can be emailed to no later than two weeks prior to the event. Photos are not published with items in the community calendar. Publication dates are not guaranteed.


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