
Final Give-A-Christmas total stands at $35,062

By Frances Borsodi Zajac fzajac@heraldstandard.Com 7 min read

Sparkle, the Christmas star, announces the 2014 Give-A-Christmas campaign has raised $35,212 for the Salvation Army thanks to the generosity of Herald-Standard readers.

“While the total fell below this year’s goal of $50,000, we are very thankful to all who contributed. We know the campaign will help the Salvation Army provide for many people in our communities — our neighbors,” said Sparkle. “The funds raised for Give-A-Christmas are given to Salvation Army units in the Herald-Standard readership area so your donations are helping people in our home towns. We are very grateful to everyone who contributed throughout this campaign.”

Donations that came on deadline included $5,434 from readers living in Uniontown, Farmington, Star Junction, Fairchance, California, Waltersburg, Adah, Smithfield, New Salem, Dunbar, Perryopolis, Brownsville, Allison, Oliver, Masontown, McClellandtown, Scottdale, Greensboro, Vanderbilt, Dawson, Merrittstown and Cardale.

“I’m so impressed that so many readers from so many towns participated throughout this campaign that was launched on Thanksgiving Day and this final day’s tally showed a representation of so many areas. It makes us very proud,” said Sparkle.

The Christmas star also received some nice notes:

“Dear Friends, We extend our thanks to the Herald-Standard for once again partnering with the Salvation Army to help meet the needs of many people in our community. We also extend our thanks to the Salvation Army for all they do to allow people to experience the love of Jesus at Christmas when we celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world. Yours in the Lord,” wrote Nicholas J. Cook, pastor, for the gift given by Abundant Life Church of Uniontown.

“Please accept this gift on behalf of the less fortunate in our county. May God continue to bless the Salvation Army for all the good work they do,” wrote Ruby J. McKnight of Smithfield.

“On behalf of the parish family of St. Francis of Assisi, please accept the enclosed donation in support of your ministry with our deep appreciation for all that you do to serve the needs of our community. Merry Christmas,” wrote the Rev. Bill Berkey and the parish family of St. Francis of Assisi of Western Fayette.

“I wanted to let you know why the odd amount,” wrote Brian Wilson of Dunbar, who gave $191. “Last year, I started saving dollars for this cause and this is what I ended up with. You would be surprised what a dollar here or there can add up to. Maybe this will give some others an idea. Merry Christmas. I hope this helps.”

“Thanks for all you do. Merry Christmas,” wrote Rosemary Stankovich of California, who gave “in loving memory of my mother Lizzie. She always enjoyed reading about ‘Sparkle’ every year and liked to donate.”

“Merry Christmas Sparkle,” wrote Kenny and Pat Rockwell of Uniontown, who gave in honor of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

“Hope you reach your goal,’ wrote Carol, Ray, Paully and Tabby of Uniontown.

“Merry Christmas and a blessed New year,” wrote Joyce Howes of Brownsville.

“May God bless you with a successful campaign,” wrote a representative for the Allison Christian Church Women’s Fellowship.

“Wishing Sparkle and friends a very merry Christmas,” wrote Mary and George Homa of Masontown.

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Best wishes on reaching your goal,” wrote Beth Beck of Masontown, who gave in memory of her brother, Douglas Allen Smith.

“Merry Christmas to you and all your readers,” wrote Denise and Don Robinson of Uniontown, who gave “in memory of two special people who passed away recently, Tina Lowller from Masontown and John Hamborsky from Uniontown.”

“Dear Sparkle, Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas and a healthy New Year. Hope you make your goal! God bless,” wrote Pete and Edna Guritza of Greensboro.

“I hope you will be able to reach your goal,” wrote Kathleen Welch of Uniontown, who gave in honor of her grandchildren Alyssa Anne Welch, Christopher Samuel Welch, Brittany Erin Siget and Katelyn Nicole Siget.

“Thank you for all the good work that you do. Please accept our donation in memory of our wonderful parents Kenny and Mollie Payne and Don and Eleanor Landman, my husband’s brother Gene Payne and our brother-in-law Lloyd A. Maust Jr. We wish all of you a very merry Christmas and may God bless you now and in the new year,” wrote Bob and Pat Payne of Masontown.

“In memory of our friend Frank Mutnansky, who passed away in November 2013. Frank was a great believer of helping others in need, especially children. Our hopes are that you will achieve your goal this Christmas,” wrote Joe and Bobbi Stark of Perryopolis.

“Hope you reach your goal,” wrote Jacqueline Wadsworth of Uniontown, who gave in memory of her mom, Velda Fasson, and father, Jack Hart.

Linda, Alice and Miss Molly Conn of Uniontown, who gave in memory of Dick Conn, wrote, “Thank you, Sparkle, for all that you do. We know you’ll reach your goal.”

“Heartfelt wishes for a Christmas filled with peace and joy,” wrote Buster and Marge Gillen of Uniontown.

“Once again this year, we are donating to the Masontown unit as our gift exchange in memory of our parents. We hope you are able to bring Christmas joy into many lives,” Yvonne Packroni, Pam Pontorero and Mickey Bezjak of Masontown wrote.

“God bless us, everyone,” wrote anonymous in Uniontown.

Today’s other donors include Mark and Linda O’Keefe, in memory of John and Margaret O’Keefe and Ed and Mildred Masci, Uniontown; The Vanswearingen Family, in memory of loved ones, Uniontown; Jane Lambie, in lhonor and memory of loved ones, Farmington; Shirley Ugolini, Star Junction; J.F. and Karen Reckard, in memory of their parents, Fairchance; Janet Michael, Uniontown; Darwin A. Curry, from a former resident of Uniontown, Uniontown; Gloria J. Stoffa, in memory of her husband, Jack Stoffa, and parents, Joseph H. and Mary Morris, Waltersburg; Theresa Petruska, Uniontown; Louise Manchas, in memory of her husband, Adah; Mary Ann Kaufman, in memory of her husband, Ron, nephew Scott, niece Robin, brother-in-law Mike and Charles (Buddy) Tomotchko, New Salem; Mary Ann Kaufman, in memory of her friends and neighbors Billy Drzazgowski, Leonard Pinto Gaydos Sr. and aunt Joy Bulina, New Salem; Leslie Chalfant, Perryopolis; Linda Petrush, in memory of John F. Petrush, Oliver; Fayette County Food Service Association, Fayette County; Angela and Gregg Maruca Jr., in memory of their grandfather, Frank Maruca, Uniontown; Trudy and Dale Davis, in memory of parents, Pete and Kay Kumor and Elizabeth Johnson, brother Pete Kumor and grandson, A.J. Krzton, Uniontown; anonymous, Uniontown; Anthony Carolla, Uniontown; C.J. and Dr. Ashleigh Callahan, Uniontown; anonymous, Uniontown; Taz and Fran Zajac and Rebecca, Toby, Rachel and Sarah, in memory of Frank and Jean Borsodi and Ted Zajac and in honor of Vicky Zajac, Uniontown; anonymous, Vanderbilt; Sue Ann Orlando, Dawson; Joy and Kelly Huston, given in memory of their brother and uncle Scott W. Gnagey and dear friend Tammy Rice, Uniontown; Dianne M. Zinn, in memory of William Kollar, Uniontown; Jean Claar, Uniontown; Loretta Platos, in memory of John Platos, Michael and Pauline Sandala, John and Adda Platos, Merritstown; anonymous, Uniontown; Beth Sheehan, Uniontown; Robert J. Petcheny, in memory of his father Joe Petcheny, Uniontown; Robert Spencer, Cardale; Grandchildren Larkin, Lincoln, Brooks and Harlan, in memory of their grandfather, Hobie Carroll, Uniontown; Jan F. and Mary Ann and Jon Tesauro, in memory of Stanley and Mary Ann Squirek, Lemont Furnace; Mary Allison, Brier Hill; anonymous, Adah; Paula, Dan and Dante O’Connell, in memory of father and grandfather Patsy Petro, Uniontown; Jim Newman, in memory of Jess Beatty, Uniontown; Buddy and Barb Eicher, Farmington; Andrew Stepanik, Uniontown; James Krese, Fairchance; Stephen Petruska Jr., Uniontown.

“On behalf of the Herald-Standard and the Salvation Army, thanks to all the Herald-Standard readers who generously sent donations.” said Sparkle. “We wish you peace and good health in 2015 and look forward to seeing you next year.”


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