Unity grants woman’s wish to participate in 5k

Almost four years ago, Krista DeFranks left her Columbus, Ohio, home to take an early-morning jog before work when the 35-year-old Brownsville area native was stricken with a heart attack.
A passerby discovered an unresponsive DeFranks and called 911. She was hospitalized and then sent to a medical facility. DeFranks remained in a coma for more than four weeks.
She returned to the area and eventually became a resident of Lasosky’s Personal Care Home in Clarksville. DeFranks, now 39, then came to know John Robinson, who along with his wife, Bobbi Robinson, are co-founders of Unity A Journey of Hope, a Vanderbilt-based, non-profit organization that grants wishes to adults with life-limiting illnesses.
They wanted to grant DeFranks a wish.
“Over time, we would have daily discussions, and I asked her if she ever had a wish. Krista agreed that running and walking was something she liked to do. I told her if she could walk 25 to 50 feet that Unity A Journey of Hope would grant her wish to participate in a 5K again,” Robinson explained.
Unity arranged for a 5k walk to be held recently at the Greene River Trail.
According to the Traillink by Rails to Trails Conservancy website (www.traillink.com), the 5.2-mile trail starts in Millsboro at the Green Cove Yacht Club trailhead.
About 60 people showed up for the event to cheer on DeFranks, who was pushed in her wheelchair by family, friends and Unity volunteers along the river trail and, with assistance, walked the last 20 feet.
“She smiled the whole time,” said Robinson. “She said she was happy.”
He noted, “We had a blast. It was fun to see her in a different light – on the trail with family and friends. It was very touching. Everybody had a chance to hug her or kiss her or push her along the way.”
A luncheon was held at Lasoksy’s Personal Care Home after the walk.
Robinson said, “Krista has a long battle ahead and I wanted to let her know she is loved, cared for and just because everyone cannot be there every day, everyone who showed up supports her.”
He added, “Everyone signed a big board with words of encouragement and once we get the pictures developed, we are going to post them in her room so she can look at them and remember her 5k and know we are all behind her.”