German supervisors approve tentative budget with no tax increase
GERMAN TWP. — Supervisors voted on a tentative 2015 budget on Tuesday, noting that taxes will not be increased.
The supervisors are proposing a budget of $1.38 million for the upcoming new year, holding the line on taxes, which will remain at 2.0 mills.
At this rate, a homeowner with a property valued at $50,000 would pay $100.
Supervisor Dan Shimshock said the supervisors will continue to concentrate on replacing or repairing the township’s bridges for the second year in row since it assumed responsibility for two additional bridges from the state Department of Transportation last year. The additional two bridges, on Duff and Desko Roads, caused the township to also be faced with additional bridge repair issues.
There are now a total of five bridges located throughout the township, and work on the Duff Road bridge is expected to be complete by the end of the year. In 2015, Shimshock said the supervisors will turn their attention to the bridge on Old McClellandtown Road.
In other business, the supervisors voted to release two bonds to Fayette County Oil and Gas. The bonds were for various roadways throughout the township, which supervisors inspected and found to be in good shape before releasing. The bonds were for $3,750 and $9,375.
Meanwhile, Vice Chairman Bob Belch said work will begin next week, weather permitting, to install 165 feet of storm water drains on River Road.
He also mentioned that the code enforcement officer is in the process of writing citations for deplorable properties after supervisors received some complaints last month.
Supervisors are also preparing for the winter months by ordering salt for the roadways and readying the plow trucks. Belch made note that the plow trucks are wider this year, and asked that residents keep their vehicles off of the roadways when it snows.
In other matters, recycling will be held the week of Nov. 24 on the regular garbage day.
Next month’s meeting has also been pushed back one week to 6 p.m. on Dec. 16 in the municipal building.