
New food service director hired for California Area

By Toni Cekada for The 3 min read

CALIFORNIA — Directors of the California Area School Board voted Wednesday to hire a new food service director at a salary of $44,000.

The board hired Matthew Triffanoff as the food service director, effective Nov. 20, after the previous food service director resigned in October.

“I just want to say that I thought the head cooks and cafeteria workers did very well to keep the system working,” said Superintendent Brian Jackson. “They did a good job without a director, and I am very appreciative of their work.”

Triffanoff has 14 years of experience as a food service director and has a background in culinary arts.

“This is a great opportunity, and will hopefully be a great fit,” he said.

The board also approved the transfer of any accrued sick days upon providing proof of said days to the business manager. Up to 25 sick days may be transferred as per Pennsylvania school code. Triffanoff’s salary will be prorated from July 1, 2014.

In other matters, the board voted to create and advertise for the position of technology technician. The new position is being made payable through the accountability block grant. Board Secretary Mary Bastin said the position was created as a sub position to the technology director as a means to offer more support.

The board also approved the hiring Jamie Enfield and Dara Volosin as three-hour cafeteria employees with each salary set at $13.21 per hour.

Also, the board appointed Kathy Evans to the position of boys basketball ticket taker with a stipend of $30 per event.

The board also appointed Michael Washchyshak to the position of volunteer general statistician/clock operator/spotter.

In other business, the board tabled a matter concerning a credit reimbursement for instrumental music teacher Frank Stetar.

The board also:

n The tabled action called for the board to approve seven credits from Robert Morris University in the amount of $5,103, which would be made payable from the 2014-16 school year budget.

n Board member George Safin questioned why the board would vote to pay for the credits from a budget that does not yet exist.

n The board agreed to table the matter until further clarification, but noted that it has paid for teacher’s credits in this matter previously.

n In July, the board approved a credit reimbursement for Stetar, who is pursuing a doctoral degree. Stetar completed 13 credits from Robert Morris University, and was reimbursed $9,477.

n The reorganization meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 3. The regular December voting meeting will immediately follow.


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