Herald-Standard kicks off 29th annual Give-A-Christmas campaign
The Herald-Standard is kicking off its 29th annual Give-A-Christmas campaign today with a new goal of raising $50,000 to benefit the Salvation Army.
This represents a $10,000 increase in the goal from previous campaigns, but readers donated $47,670.57 to the 2013 campaign, far exceeding the $40,000 goal. The campaign reached that mark thanks to donations from individuals, organizations, churches, businesses and schools. In particular, the Albert Gallatin Education Association in 2013 donated $19,097.31, remaining the campaign’s largest donor.
Throughout its history, Give-A-Christmas has raised $1,076,500 for the Salvation Army to help with its mission of serving those in need.
“We want to thank our readers for all they have contributed over the years to this campaign, which uses the funds to help their neighbors. Remember that all of the money raised for Give-A-Christmas stays in the area and is donated to local units of the Salvation Army,” said Sparkle, the Christmas star, who is official mascot for the campaign.
Ellen O. Benedetto, service unit coordinator, for the Salvation Army’s Western Pennsylvania Division, said, “With the end of another year approaching, the Salvation Army is still faced with the challenge of meeting the needs of many in your own communities. Yet, once again, the Herald-Standard and its readers are stepping up to help us meet this challenge. Each year, with the monies so generously donated by the readership of the Herald-Standard, we are able to help families heat their homes, keep utilities on and send their children to school with full bellies and new winter outerwear during the long winter months.”
Benedetto continued. “The holiday season is about rebirth and should only be a time of joy for children. You all help us keep the magic of the holiday season in children’s hearts by helping to lessen the financial burden their parents face. We once again extend our thanks and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and joyous New Year!”
Donations to the campaign will be accepted until noon Dec. 23 and the grand total will be announced in the Christmas Eve edition of the Herald-Standard.
Contributing to the campaign this year is Neubauer’s Flowers and Market House with a raffle ticket for a chance to win a life-size Bethany Lowe Santa. Tickets are $10 and the winner will be chosen with the first number drawn from the 7 p.m. Pennsylvania Lottery Daily Number on Friday.
Sparkle reminded, “Gifts given by our readers to the local branch of the Salvation Army that serves the area where they live. For example, donations given by Uniontown readers will go to the Uniontown Worship and Service Center while readers in Brownsville and Masontown will have their donations sent to the Albert Gallatin Service Center and readers in Greene County will have their contributions sent to the Greene County Service Center.
Donors, however, can designate their gifts go to any units of the Salvation Army in the Herald-Standard readership area.
The service units do not share funds.
The service units for the Salvation Army that receive funds from Give-A-Christmas include:
Fayette County:
Albert Gallatin Service Center includes Adah, Allison, Brier Hill, Brownsville, West Brownsville, Cardale, Chestnut Ridge, East Millsboro, Edenborn, Fairbank, Fairchance, Gans, Gates, Grays Landing, Grindstone, Hibbs, Hiller, Isabelle, Keisterville, Labelle/Maxwell, Lake Lynn, Leckrone, Martin, Masontown, McClellandtown, Merrittstown, New Geneva, New Salem, Newell, Point Marion, Republic, Ronco, Smithfield, Smock, Uledi, Upper Middletown and Waltersburg.
Connellsville-Scottdale Service Center includes Alverton, Champion, Connellsville, Dawson, Dickerson Run, Dunbar, Everson, Indian Head, Leisenring, Melcroft, Mill Run, Normalville, Ruffsdale, Scottdale, South Connellsville, Tarrs, Van Meter, Vanderbilt, West Leisenring and White.
Markleysburg Service Unit includes Chalk Hill, Farmington, Gibbon Glade, Markleysburg and Ohiopyle.
Perryopolis Service Unit includes Perryopolis, Layton, Star Junction, Whitsett and Wickhaven.
Uniontown Worship and Service Center includes Brownfield, Hopwood, Lemont Furnace, Mount Braddock, Oliphant Furnace, Oliver and Uniontown.
Greene County Service Center takes care of the entire county.
Washington County:
Fredericktown Service Unit includes Fredericktown, Millsboro, Vestaburg, Marianna, Amity and Prosperity.
Monongahela Service Unit serves California, Coal Center, Courtney, Daisytown, Denbo, Eighty Four, Elrama, Finleyville, Gastonville, Monongahela, New Eagle, Richeyville and Venetia.
In Somerset County, the Confluence Service Unit handles Addison, Confluence, Fort Hill, Listonburg and Ursina.
Donations can be mailed to Give-A-Christmas, P.O. Box 1147, Uniontown, PA 15401 or brought to the Herald-Standard office in Uniontown from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Sparkle cans also have been placed in numerous store locations in the Herald-Standard distribution area.