‘Harvest the Fun’
If one thing can be said about the Greene County Fair, it is consistency.
And that is a tribute to the dedication of the fair board members and especially to Debbie Stephenson, secretary-treasurer of the fair board, who for the past 18 years has worked tirelessly to keep the fair running smoothly, rain or shine, at the Greene County Fairgrounds.
The theme for the 2015 edition of the Greene County Fair, which will be held Aug. 9-15, is “Harvest the Fun,” a theme emphasizing what is, or should be, the core of a county fair – “the importance of agriculture, especially in rural areas like ours,” Stephenson said.
The agricultural aspect of the fair kicks off with home and garden judging at 9 a.m. Aug. 10, followed that same day with the goat show and the wool queen contest. The theme continues Aug. 11 with the 4-H rabbit show, the 4-H and open dairy and cattle show, and the 4-H market steer show.
On Aug. 12, there will be the 4-H and open beef cattle show and the 4-H market lamb show, wrapping up Aug. 13 with the 4-H and open sheep show and the 4-H livestock sale.
But if agriculture and farming on not high on your list of county fair experiences, Stephenson said there are numerous other draws, especially the inaugural appearance of the Monster Truck Jam scheduled for 8 p.m. Aug. 10.
Traditionally, Monster Jam shows feature monster trucks facings off in two different forms of competition – racing and freestyle. In the smaller shows, they have a wheelie competition and/or a doughnut contest or sometimes even both. The goal in the wheelie competition is to hit a ramp and get big air while remaining perpendicular to the ground.
The freestyle competition allows to show off their skills as they drive the trucks over cars.
“The Monster Jam is coming,” an enthusiastic Stephenson said. “It should be an exciting event.”
The fair also will offer the traditional events, including live musical performances from the Chris Higbee Band and The Gospel Harmony Boys Band from Charleston, W.Va.
“The gospel night is something new this year,” Stephenson said.
Also on tap will be draft horse halter and hitch shows, horse and pony pulls, harness racing, tractor pulls, a petting zoo and the popular Croushore’s championship demolition derby.
Featured daily through fair week will be Dennis Beach custom wood carvings, the Jan Marchezak Petting Zoo and midway rides presented by Tropical Amusements.
“We try to offer something for everyone,” Stephenson said. “And I think our schedule fulfills that.”
Stephenson also noted the admission price to the fair each day is $8 and everyone coming through the gate must have at ticket. The fair board has remained committed to keeping the admission price low so families can come out and support this community event.
“The fair gives those who attend the very best of what we have to offer, all for a reasonable price,” Stephenson said.