
Frazier School Board approves agreement with teachers, administrators

By Natalie Bruzda nbruzda@heraldstandard.Com 3 min read

Frazier School Board on Monday gave final approval for a three-year collective bargaining agreement with the Frazier Education Association.

The agreement reflects salary increases for the district’s 81 teachers, and approval came just two weeks before the former three-year contract would have expired on Aug. 31.

“It was a very good negotiating process,” said Superintendent Bill Henderson. “I give the union a lot of credit. They were very easy to work with. It’s always give and take, but I think everybody worked well together, and I think everybody on both sides should be happy.”

According to Henderson, teachers will see a 2.75 to 3 percent salary increase each year of the three-year contract depending on their level of experience.

In addition to the salary, there were changes to healthcare benefits for employees.

The premiums will now be $25 per single per month, $35 employee/child, $35 for employee/spouse and $45 for employee/family.

In addition, the deductible for healthcare services will be $250 for an individual, and $500 for family. Business Manager Kevin Mildren said there were no premiums or deductibles prior to the new contract.

Henderson said negotiations for the new contract began in December 2014.

The board also accepted a three-year Act 93 Compensation Plan, which will be in effect from 2015 to 2018.

The contract covers three principals, the district’s special education director and the district technology director. According to Henderson, those educators will see an increase in their salary of $2,500 the first year, $2,700 the second year and $2,900 the third year. He said the increases are similar to those that the teachers will see.

The board also approved a three-year agreement with Mildren, with his salary to increase by $2,500 in the 2015-16 school year, $2,700 in the 2016-17 school year and $2,900 in the 2017-18 school year.

In other business, the board approved several motions in regard to the new elementary-middle school construction project.

School directors approved four change orders, including a $175,000 change order to provide the necessary, manufactured fill for the parking lot paving project at the new school. The board also gave approval for El Grande Industries Inc. of Monessen to extend the paving project to reach the main road at a cost of $23,472.

Directors also awarded a $24,864 contract to North American Fencing Corporation of Cheswick for a fencing project at the new school. The fence will run the perimeter of the new school playground to keep children from leaving the grounds.

Also Monday, the board:

n Elected Andrea Allen as professional staff for the learning support/gifted position at a salary of $45,020.

n Hired an additional part-time school resource officer to work no more than 32 hours per week at the new Frederick L. Smeigh Education Center.

n Approved the revised 2015-16 school calendar, with the first day for students set on Sept. 8 and the last day set for June 3, 2016.

n Approved the a la carte prices for the 2015-16 school year as well as breakfast and lunch prices. Elementary lunch will cost $2.05 and secondary lunch will cost $2.45.

n Approved Reinhart Food Service as the food supplier for the 2015-16 school year.

n Approved the teacher induction and athletic handbook as well as handbooks for high school, middle school, elementary school and pre-kindergarten students.

n Approved the request submitted by Dr. Robert Klanchar to use the high school gymnasium on Sunday afternoons from November 2015 to March 2016, excluding holidays, for a youth athletic program, with a facilities usage fee of $100.

n Approved the athletic ticket prices for the 2015 fall season for football, volleyball and basketball.

n Approved the request submitted to create a middle school baseball team.


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