Bullskin Township Historical Society is having their annual Writer’s
Bullskin Township Historical Society is having their annual Writer’s Contest. We are looking for writers who love to report and share true historical happenings. Submissions must be about a person, place or event that took place in Fayette or Westmoreland Counties. Stories are limited to 650 words and must be submitted by Sep 24. First prize is $100, Second prize $30, Third prize $20. Winners will be announced Oct. 17 at Bullskin Township Historical Society’s 2 day ‘Heritage Days Festival’. You do not have to be a professional writer to enter our contest! You can obtain a submission form with complete details at BTHS website at www.bullskintownshiphistoricalsociety.org or call 724-887-7278 to have one mailed to you. BTHS is also having an art contest and a photography contest. Check it out online.