Faith is the heart of the mind; the mind is the arms of faith
Scripture reading: Hebrews 11:1-12. Text: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1.
Faith is not only one of the central teachings of the Bible but also one of the fundamental requirements of Christian life. As the letter to the Hebrews in 11:6 teaches: “And without faith it is impossible to please him (God). . .” Today may we see only this one aspect of faith in such a way that our personal belief will be strengthened by it.
No theory, professional person, or family member can make you a believer if you do not want to become one. Monica, the Christian mother of Augustine, bishop of Hippo, 354-430, prayed for years for her son that he would give his heart to the Lord. Eventually he did and became one of the Fathers of Christianity. Apostle James makes it clear that faith without works is dead, James 2:17. Apostle Peter speaks of a firm faith: “Resist him (the devil), firm in your faith . . .” 1 Peter 5:9. The disciples asked the Lord: “. . .’Increase our faith!'” Luke 17:5.
As your faith should be your very own, likewise doubts are also personal. Each of us may have had some bitter experiences when we just “could not believe”. We have to admit that it is not easy for a believer to go to war, kill the enemy mercilessly, and after the war is over come home and be the SAME as he was before. If the believer was wounded or permanently disabled the situation is even worse. When we are disappointed the first question we ask is: How can God allow it?
The challenge of faith is that a nonbeliever’s faithlessness (denial of God’s existence) does not result in trouble as soon as the believers would like. (How long has it taken for communism to collapse?) While the Bible emphasizes the importance of faith, it is not promised that the punishment is always imminent for the unbelievers and wicked people. In fact the Bible teaches, “‘For He (God) makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.'” Matthew 5:45/b.
Atheists do not see very clearly either the benefits or the blessings of faith. Here again it is due to our human shortcomings that unchurched people do not realize and desire the advantages of belonging to the church. Also congregations of faithful believers often have their misunderstandings which are not the best invitation to the outsiders. (How can a missionary explain to the “savages” that we have so many Christian denominations?) It is true that Christians have their differences, however it is impossible to find an organization, association, company . . . where people always and totally agree, cooperate, and never criticize anyone.
If you see the validity of the two previous points then the third one becomes clear and vital: WOULD FAITH REALLY BE BONA FIDE FAITH if doubt were to be punished without delay and belief rewarded immediately? Let us assume that our heavenly Father practiced discrimination or favoritism between the faithfuls and the unbelievers; namely Christ’s followers would be blessed and the atheists cursed. Who would NOT be a Christian in this situation? If there is no risk and just guaranteed result, no challenge just easy success, no suffering just pure joy, would faith be faith? Would students study hard when they know ahead of time that they will pass the test anyhow?
As there is no perfect faith likewise there is neither total denial of God. It is said that there is no atheist in the foxhole. Even in countries, where the atheist governments oppressed religion, people in trouble spontaneously expressed themselves: “O God, help me!” The question is not one of either perfect faith or complete denial of God but which one will eventually overcome the other one and dominate your convictions? It is an ongoing battle to keep your faith as strong as possible against doubts, temptations, and disappointments.
The first step is not WHAT to believe but WHOM to believe! “. . . for I know whom I have believed . . .” wrote Apostle Paul, 2 Timothy 1:12. The Christian faith will not lead God to the believer but guide the seeker to the Almighty “. . . ‘seek, and you will find’. . .” Matt. 7:7.