Uniontown resident celebrates 101st birthday

Margaret “Peg” Benya recently celebrated her 101st birthday with her friends and family.
She was born Nov. 17, 1914, to parents John and Elizabeth Roebuck of Shadygrove.
Margaret later met the late Adam Benya Sr. and the two were married and had one child together, Adam Benya Jr. of Uniontown.
Throughout her 101 years, Margaret held many jobs, including working with Fashion Hosiery of Uniontown where she retired.
She was also involved in various organizations including the Hopwood AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary and the Uniontown Moose Club.
When she was not volunteering with these organizations, Margaret loved to cook, bake and garden.
In addition to these organizations and activities, Margaret is best known for her kindness and caring for others and helping those in need.