
Holiday fund jumps to $16,357

By Frances Borsodi Zajac fzajac@heraldstandard.Com 3 min read

Herald-Standard readers continue to support the Give-A-Christmas campaign that benefits the Salvation Army, sending another $1,735 in contributions to bring the current total to $16,357.

“Thank you so much for your donations,” said Sparkle, the Christmas star, who is official mascot for the campaign. “But remember we only have until noon on December 23 to reach our goal of raising $50,000 for the Salvation Army and we would really like to reach that goal!”

The latest donations came from Uniontown, Farmington, Masontown, Hopwood, Adah, Brier Hill, Brownfield and Dunbar.

They included some nice notes for Sparkle:

“Merry Christmas,” wrote the Rev. William Berkey, the Rev. James Petrovsky and the Parish Family of St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Parish.

“Dear Sparkle, I thank God for the many blessings in my life and I thank you for all that you do for the people who are less fortunate than my family and myself. I want to make this donation in honor of all the ladies who bowl on the Monday Night League at the Fairbank Bowling Center, especially for my captain Betty Orris, and my other team members. Keep up the good work and I pray that you make your goal. Merry Christmas,” wrote Betty Gorman of Adah.

“Dear Sparkle, We the members of Hopwood AMVETS Post 103 Ladies Auxiliary want to thank you for the helpfulness that you offer for the less fortunate of Fayette County. May you all have a very blessed Christmas,” wrote a representative for the auxiliary.

“Merry Christmas,” wrote Bill and Lynn Hoff of Uniontown.

“Sparkle, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. I hope everyone gives to those in need. I hope you reach your goal,” wrote Colette Freiberg, of Uniontown, who gave in memory of the Freiberg, Balash and Kalifut families.

“Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,” wrote a representative for Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church in Dunbar.

“Merry Christmas,” wrote E.J. And Patti Sherry, of Farmington, who gave in memory of Macie Henning.

“We hope you reach your goal,” wrote Don and Denice Robinson, of Uniontown, who gave in memory of their parents Ed and Nell Robinson and Paul and Laura Ferranti.

“Please accept this gift to the less fortunate in memory of my beloved husband, Bill Arshen, and all my other deceased family members. Good luck in reaching your goal,” wrote Cheryl Arshen of Uniontown.

Today’s other donors include Hutchinson Sportsmans Club, Brownfield; Mary and Ken Allison, Brier Hill; Sara Petro and Patricia Gulino, in loving memory of Mrs. Petro’s husband, Patsy, Uniontown; Kenneth and Dorothy Marcinko, in memory of Joseph and Anna Marcinko and Joseph and Mary Duritsa, Uniontown; Beth Beck, in memory of her brother Douglas Allen Smith, Masontown; Joe Juriga, in memory of wife Marlene and daughter Laura Szepesi, Uniontown; Bill and Mary Kay Joy, Uniontown; Janice Campbell, in memory of her loving husband, John F. Campbell, Uniontown; Shirley Mitchell, Uniontown; David Beattie, Uniontown.

“Thanks so much to all our donors,” said Sparkle, “and remember we only have a short time left to make our goal. Won’t you help?”

Donations to the campaign will be accepted until noon on Dec. 23 with the grand total announced in the Christmas Eve edition of the Herald-Standard.

Readers can contribute by making online donations to the campaign at, mail contributions to Give-A-Christmas, c/o Herald-Standard, 8-18 E. Church St., Uniontown, PA 15401 or bring them to the Herald-Standard office in Uniontown from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

Sparkle cans also have been placed in numerous store locations in the Herald-Standard distribution area.


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