Give-A-Christmas surpasses $19,000 mark
GOAL: $50,000
CURRENT TOTAL: $19,370.68
With the deadline just a couple of days from now, the Give-A-Christmas fund has reached $19,370.68, after recent donations totaling $800 were received from Herald-Standard readers.
“We still have a way to go, and the deadline is fast approaching,” said Sparkle, the campaign’s official mascot. “The Salvation Army is really counting on this fund to help people in our neighborhoods.”
Sparkle is happy to report that Herald-Standard readers from Lemont Furnace, Haydentown, Uniontown and Dunbar contributed to today’s totals, many included messages and donations in memory of loved ones.
“Dear Sparkle, we hope you reach your goal,” wrote Edward and Victoria Maldovan of Uniontown, who gave in memory of their parents John and Victoria Barno and John and Loretta Maldovan.
William, Terri and Porky Landman of Lemont Furnace gave in memory of Earl and Helen Landman, Jim Landman, Ilene Jellick, Patricia Landman, Roger Landman, James “J.J.” Landman and Eugene Landman.
In memory of her godparents, Patricia Misconin and Andrew Hornick, Beth Sheehan of Dunbar sent a donation to the fund as well.
In addition, donations were made by the Haydentown Christian Church and the Christian Men’s Fellowship of Uniontown.
“We are so grateful to our readers for their generosity and I’m so hopeful we can hit our goal before time runs out,” said Sparkle.
Donations to the campaign will be accepted until noon on Dec. 23 with the grand total announced in the Christmas Eve edition of the Herald-Standard.
Readers can contribute by making online donations to the campaign at, mail contributions to Give-A-Christmas, c/o Herald-Standard, 8-18 E. Church St., Uniontown, PA 15401 or bring them to the Herald-Standard office in Uniontown from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.
Sparkle cans also have been placed in numerous store locations in the Herald-Standard distribution area.