
Holiday fund jumps over $22,000

By Frances Borsodi Zajac fzajac@heraldstandard.Com 6 min read

GOAL: $50,000

CURRENT TOTAL: $22,102.68

With the campaign in its final days, Herald-Standard readers contributed $2,732 more to Give-A-Christmas to push the current total to $22,102.68.

“That’s fantastic!” said Sparkle, the Christmas star, who is the official mascot for the campaign. “But remember that we have only until noon on Wednesday to make our goal of raising $50,000 for the Salvation Army. We really want to make our goal. Remember, the funds will be used to help people in your neighborhoods, so it’s a very worthwhile cause.”

The latest donations came from Vanderbilt, Point Marion, Hopwood, Star Junction, Uniontown, Grindstone, Perryopolis, Carmichaels, Masontown, Farmington, Fairchance, East Millsboro, Brownsville, Star Junction, Hopwood, McClellandtown, Smithfield and Merrittstown.

The Christmas star also received many nice notes from readers:

“God bless everyone. Let there be love,” wrote Anna Mary Olesh, who gave in memory of her deceased husband.

“Please remember our service people around the world this holiday,” wrote David M. Callahan, tax collector of Point Marion.

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,” wrote Patricia Clay of Star Junction, who gave in honor of their parents and grandparents Joseph and Eleanor Clay.

“Sparkle, Sharing a little with those less fortunate. Bless you,” wrote Ginnie McVey, of Grindstone, who gave in memory of her husband Larry McVey, twin grandsons Ethan and Casey and mother Inez Thomas.

“Sparkle, I hope you meet your goal,” wrote Nora Julius of Vanderbilt, who gave in memory of Elgie, Elenor and Bob Geary.

“Dear Sparkle, This donation is in memory of our friend Frank Mutnansky. Hope this donation helps you to reach your goal. Merry Christmas,” wrote Joe and Roberta Stark of Perryopolis.

“Dear Sparkle, Merry Christmas and we pray you reach your goal this year. I’m giving in memory of my husband, Ronald, who passed away November 19, and in memory of our parents, Annabelle and Charles Livengood and Glenn and Edith Honsaker, brother Thomas and sisters Dorothy and Rosella. God bless and keep up the good work,” wrote Eleanor Honsaker of Masontown.

“Dear Sparkle, Greetings to you once again. This represents our annual donation in support of the Give-A-Christmas campaign. This year’s donation is in memory of Dewey M. Alexander Jr., Deaconess Dorothy Dantzler, Rev. Wade Hosea and Dorothy Toler. It is our fervent hope you will reach your goal. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,” wrote Gwendolyn and the Rev. Louis E. Ridgley Jr. of Uniontown.

“Dear Sparkle, As our gift exchange with each other, we are making a donation intended for the Masontown division. We know that you will use it wisely to brighten the lives of others at this blessed celebration of Jesus’ birth. Merry Christmas,” wrote Pam, Yvonne and Mickey of Masontown.

“Happy Holidays!” from Uniontown High School.

“Dear Sparkle, I want to thank the Lord for reminding us there are people who have less than we do and for calling on us to help them. Hope this brings a Sparkle to someone’s eye. God bless,” wrote Mary Porter of East Millsboro, who gave in memory of lifelong friend Ruth Rakin while Jim Porter, also of East Millsboro, gave “in memory of a very good and kind friend Don Eadie.

“Merry Christmas,” wrote Frank and Arleen Ptak, of Brownsville, who gave in memory of their parents Frank and Agnes Ptak and Donald and Jean Neel as well as sister Mary Lou Ptak and brother Robert Neel.

“Dear Sparkle, Merry Christmas and good luck,” wrote the Merritt and Williams family, who gave in memory of Jerry Merritt of Chestnut Ridge and Wilfred Williams of Star Junction.

“Dear Sparkle, In gratitude for all blessings received, the WW Thursday Breakfast Group thankfully gives this donation. Thank you and Merry Christmas,” a representative for the Hopwood group wrote.

“Dear Sparkle, May God bless you for all the good work you are doing,” wrote Loretta Platos of Merrittstown, who gave in memory of John Platos, Michael and Pauline Sandala and John and Adda Platos.

“Merry Christmas Sparkle,” wrote Carolyn and Bob Tupta of Uniontown.

“Instead of gifts to each other at Christmas, we donate to a charitable organization on each other’s behalf,” wrote John and Lorna Warman of Uniontown, who gave on behalf of John and Maryann Pedrick.

“Wishing you God’s blessings and success in reaching your goal. Given in memory of parents George and Minnie Yasenosky and Margaret Moore and brother-in-law Mark Petrun. Also we are so thankful for our blessings, especially our four beautiful grandchildren Kaelyn, Chase, Hunter and Levi. Merry Christmas,” wrote Linda and Barry Moore of Smithfield.

Today’s other donors include Mike and Dorie Liptak, Uniontown; Point Marion Rotary Club, Point Marion; John and Mildred Bair, in memory of son Richard and parents, Carmichaels; Melanie Hyjurick, in loving memory of her father-in-law Michael Hyjurick and dear friend Catherine Means Goisse, Uniontown; Leonard and Frankie, in honor of the Malenosky Family, Uniontown; Jim and Patty French, in memory of Mom, Dad, Pap and Len, Smithfield; Judy, Jennifer and Ace, in loving memory of Gary Rable and Marie and Edward Urusko, Merrittstown; Tom and Scarlet Baxter, in loving memory of their parents Mary Danton, Charles and Jean Baxter, Gibbon Glade; John and Sharon Peccon, Star Junction; Alice Garden, Uniontown; Harry and Rose Ann Joseph, Uniontown; Stephen and Theresa Petruska, Uniontown; Donald and Shirley Evans, Point Marion; Tony and Josephine Carolla, Uniontown; Loretta Vernon, Uniontown; Farmington Bethel Church of the Brethren, Farmington; Lawrence Lemmon, Fairchance; Church Hill Sunday School, McClellandtown; Arnold and Norma Husk, Uniontown; RW Clark Elementary School, Uniontown.

“Wow! Thanks so much for all the kind words and these wonderful donations. It’s so great to see the schools and church groups that are working together to make a contribution to the campaign. It’s fantastic to see people who give on behalf of each other or in memory of loved ones,” said Sparkle. “I know how busy this time of year is and people have so much going on in their lives. We appreciate every donation.”

But Sparkle noted, “If you want to participate in the campaign, please hurry.

Donations will only be accepted until noon on Wednesday. The grand total will be announced in the Christmas Eve edition of the Herald-Standard so, please, won’t you help us make our goal?’

Readers can contribute by making online donations to the campaign at, mail contributions to Give-A-Christmas, c/o Herald-Standard, 8-18 E. Church St., Uniontown, PA 15401 or bring them to the Herald-Standard office in Uniontown from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

Sparkle cans also have been placed in numerous store locations in the Herald-Standard distribution area.


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