North Union supervisors re-elect Kumor as chairman
The North Union Township Supervisors re-elected Thomas Kumor as chairman at the annual re-organization meeting on Monday.
Supervisor Robert Tupta was elected secretary, Supervisor Curtis Matthews was elected treasurer and Kumor was elected assistant secretary treasurer.
All three were appointed as roadmasters. Matthews was appointed the open records officer.
They voted to continue holding regular meetings on the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 3:30 p.m.
Don McCue was re-appointed solicitor at $9,000 a year, Michael Garlowich was re-appointed as code enforcement officer at $15,000 a year and George Faris was appointed chairman of the vacancy board.
James Rabatin, Larry McLaughlin, Louis Agostini, Robert Kovach and Robert Garbart were appointed to the North Union Township Municipal Sewage Authority. Monthly meeting for for authority members was set at $150 and extra work session meeting pay was set at $50.
Alex Merkosky, Jim Hercik and Garbart were appointed to the Greater Uniontown Sewage Authority.
The supervisors approved the current employee union contract and re-hired Ralph McClain, Frank Matthews, Ron Landman, Tom Haragos, Greg Moscalink, Mike Yourchik as drivers, operators and laborers. Steve Stiner was re-hired as the mechanic and Sue Filicky was re-hired as clerk.
Compensation for the secretary and assistant secretary treasurer was set at $8,000 each.
For the recreation department, Michelle Miller was hired as administrator at $15 an hour, Paul Miller was hired as janitor at $12 an hour and Marguerite Dehanis was hired as staff at $10 an hour.
Wages for regular extra employees was set at $13.50 an hour and wages for college extra employees was set at $8.50 an hour.
Fayette Engineering was named the township engineer, Rabatin was appointed sewage enforcement officer, and K2 Engineering was appointed alternate sewage enforcement officer.
The supervisors set the fee for tax certificate and lien letters at $25 each, the driveway permit fee at $25 and the industrial driveway permit fee at $100.