Readers continue to donate to Give-A-Christmas
Total: $7,411.85
Goal: $25,000
The Give-A-Christmas fund that benefits the Salvation Army is rising as Herald-Standard readers contribute another $300 to the campaign, bringing the total to $7,411.85.
“I want to thank those readers who are thinking about us and encourage others to participate as well,” said Sparkle, the Christmas star, who is the official mascot for the campaign. “We want to raise $25,000 for the Salvation Army in our readership area. Remember that when you participate in the campaign, you are helping your neighbors.”
The latest donations came from Chalk Hill, Lemont Furnace, Uniontown and Star Junction.
Sparkle also received a nice note:
“We wish you a blessed Christmas. Hope this helps the less fortunate of our community. Merry Christmas,” wrote The Little Yellow Bucket Fund of the Hopwood United Methodist Church.
“I love the notes and all the kind words and wishes that come with them,” said Sparkle.
Other donors include Sharon Genovese, Chalk Hill; Pam and Randy Queer, Star Junction; Kathy and John Pechunka, Lemont Furnace; Shirley Mitchell, Uniontown; Ken, Sandy and Jacob McClelland, “in memory of Sheila Jacobs, who passed away on Oct. 26, Her light still shines bright,” Uniontown.
“Thanks to all of you for these donations,” said Sparkle. “Remember Herald-Standard employees will be collecting donations at the Uniontown Walmart from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday. They will pass out newspapers to donors. Please, if you can, stop by and contribute.”
Donations will be collected until 5 p.m. Dec. 22. Please send donations to Give-A-Christmas, 8-18 E. Church St., Uniontown, PA 15401 or drop by the Herald-Standard office weekdays during business hours.
The final amount collected will be announced in the Christmas Day edition of the Herald-Standard.