Southmoreland school board passes budget with no tax increase
Although the revenues were about $3 million less than the expenditures in the 2017-18 final budget, Southmoreland School District residents will not see a tax increase.
The final budget, with expenditures of $32,325,067 and revenues of $29,349,916, was balanced with $2,975,151 from the district’s fund balance.
While Director Michael Bentz was absent from the meeting, the motion to approve the final budget was passed with all remaining directors voting in favor except Director Ken Alt who voted against it.
“I can’t support a budget that spends $2.9 million more than we take in,” Alt said.
The millage rates will remain the same with Westmoreland County residents paying at a rate of 74.61 mills and Fayette County residents looking at 14.9982 mills.
This means $7.461 will be charged in taxes for every $100 of assessed valuation of taxable properties for Westmoreland County residents and $1.49982 will be charged in taxes for every $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property for Fayette County residents.
In other business, directors approved the collective bargaining agreement between the district and the Service Employees International Union Local 32 BJ, which includes the custodians and cafeteria workers.
Superintendent John Molnar said it is a three-year contract that begins July 1, 2017, and ends June 30, 2020. Employees will receive a 2 percent raise the first year, a 2.25 percent raise the second year and 2.5 percent raise the third year.
Some part-time workers were granted a few additional holidays. Full-time employees will pay a 10 percent co-pay on insurances and those part-time employees who were paying a 50 percent co-pay will now be paying a 25 percent co-pay.
“The negotiations were very civilized,” Molnar said. “Neither side was completely happy, but that just means it’s probably a pretty good contract.”
Under personnel, directors accepted the resignation of Ed Jenkins as assistant football coach and authorized the administration to post the position.
Michael Cernuto was approved as the assistant middle school soccer coach with a salary of $2,503 and Rachel Borst was approved as a volunteer for the high school marching band.
Finally, directors agreed to cancel the July 15, 2017, school board meeting.