Council nixes review board idea
A resident asked Monongahela Council to form a police review board.
But Mayor Bob Kepics said there is no need for a board and councilman Ken Kulak said the system is working.
Speaking to council at its regular monthly meeting Wednesday, Chad DeSantis, who unsuccessful opposed Kepics for mayor in the 2015 general election, cited three cases involving then-current or past officers:
n A 2009 case in which then-city police officer George Langan pleaded guilty to criminal use of a communications facility, obstruction of justice, hindering apprehension and official oppression;
n A 2010 accident involving a police officer due to a medical condition;
n The 2011 conviction of former part-time officer David J. “D.J.” McClelland, 38, of California on second-degree murder, dealing in proceeds of unlawful activities, receiving stolen property, aiding in the consummation of a crime and three counts of conspiracy in connection with the death and burglary of his 92-year-old neighbor.
DeSantis also suggested that New Eagle, Union Township and Finleyville, which each contract with the city for police services, be given representation on a police board.
“Didn’t these situations not resolve themselves,” Kulak said. “What would a police review board do differently?”
Kepics said no other local department has a review board.
After the police report for the month of June was read, in which police answered 542 calls, councilman Tom Caudill voiced his support for the department.
“What bothers me is I know what you and your department do and how effective you are,” Caudill said.
Police Chief Brian Tempest said citizens have the right to file a complaint if they feel an officer was out of line. He said officers are protected by a bill of rights to protect them from someone who is just disgruntled because, for example, they received a ticket.
In other business, council approved nine tax refunds due to assessment changes from the following: Rite Aid, $4,154.52; Duritza Property LLC, $2,763.94; Monvale Multiphasics Inc., $1,314.73; Robert B. Patterson, $519.16; Dawn Triscik, $205; Peter and Lisa Donina, $143; Christopher and Michele Davis, $122.61; David and Julianne Eisel, $71.34; and Diane Urrea, $48.42.
Council also officially retained the firm of Bassi, Vreeland & Associates as solicitors for the city.
Council awarded a $18,525 contract to Adam West Painting to paint 105 light fixtures poles and 19 traffic signals between First and Fifth streets in the city. The work will begin next month.
Resident Karl Amoroso thanked council for repairs to Main Street and asked if like work would be done on Chess Street. Kulak said the city is working on a plan, adding the repairs may be done in parts.