Beth-Center high school students named to honor roll
The following students of Bethlehem-Center High School have been named to the honor roll for the second nine-week grading period of the 2017-18 school year:
Grade 12
Highest honors — Dominic Clutter, Christopher Kalaway, Tiffany Karolewics, Kennedy Kuhns, Deegan Martin, Kenneth Miller, Brandon Paul, Travis Pettit, Dylan Sheets, Noah Shoup, Timothy Trump, and Kinlee Whited.
High honors — Lilley Beadling, Nicole Bell, Brianna Bittinger, Kaytlyn Carter, Chase Conrad, Lindsey Crawford, Paige Deems, Mikayla DeFranks, Alexandria Gray, Dylan Hill, Tessa Lacey, Baily Minerd, Paige Moore, Alexis Ozohonish, Reagan Palmer, Jynessa Quinones Sierra Rogozinski, George Samarin, Jordan Snyder, and Abigail Walters.
Honors — Hunter Bowen, Thomas Crawford, Chasity Frenden, Mary Gustovich, MacKenzie Haladyna, Melina Holmes, James Hunyady, Anna Keruskin, Philip Milostan, Samuel Moore, Emily Joy Sakel, Paige Spencer, David Staley, Summer Vernon, William Watkins, Andrew White, and Morgan Willis.
Grade 11
Highest honors — Bryce Balsamo, Michael Berdar, Caileigh Bolin, Brandon DeLatorre, Evan Dreucci, Grace Ewing, Casey Falcon, Teighan Finley, Cory Frazee, Travis French, Domnic Fundy, Breanna Gardner, Victoria Gilpin, Rachel Gray, Gabrielle Hines, Jacob Housel, Tabitha Karolewics, Emily Lacey, Meghan Lopez, Abigail McDaniel, Noah Meyers, Ian Nelson, Francesca Paul, Frankie Pryor, Isabella Quinones, Emily Sabatini, Jessica Stepp, Graham Sterling, Autumn Stoneking, Ayla Stopko, Dawson Taylor, Macayla Traverso-Bloom, Talia Welsh, Haley Yanosky and Lauren Zelnis.
High honors — Mason Aanderson, Jacob Baker, Talon Balog, Mikaila Cecil, James Gwyer, James Knizner, Jacob Lacey, Bryce Lincoski, Matthew Lopez, Meghan McCracken, Madison Mock, Amy Moore, Travis Muniz, Jordan Painter, Noah Wible, and Drake Zellie.
Honors — Grant Barnhart, Bailey Bedillion, Shane Belmont, Jordan Blackburn, Aimee Boothe, Anthony Dellapenna, Carmella DiFilippo, Antonia Elyea, Joseph Green, Zachary Hayden, Genin King, Bailey Lincoski, Carissa McDonald, Katelyn McMahon, Lucas Mikolay, Shelby Morton, Jordan Nestor, Christopher Pohill, Jared Pyle, Benjamin Ross, Felicity Smith, Sydney Urbine, Luke Webeck, Nicole White and Erin Wood.
Grade 10
Highest honors — Payge Anderson, Zachary Ankney, Christopher Bittinger, Andrew Bower, Carrington Brown, Logan Burrell, MacKenzie Cacia, Savannah Coyle, Hannah Davis, Holly Dzamba, Todd Fisher, Olivia Greco, Hannah Harhai, Amber Harvey, McKenna Henry, Sarah Hess, Emily Jenkins, Faith Johnson, Mikayla Kanalis, Sierra Phillips, Jenna Piper, Avory Pratt, Katryna Quinones, Jonathan Sape, Terah Shoup, Elizabeth Trump, and Chelsea Weid.
High honors — Zoey Ankney, Jacob Bobbs, Michael Brierley, Thomas Bruno, Dylan Ferguson, Christopher Fiedler, Joshua Hicks, Leonard Johns, Nathan Knizner, Brandon Lincoski, Alexis McCollum, Timothy O’Leary, Nina Packrall, and Tyler Sheets.
Honors — Benett Bauer, Makiah Bayus, Ashley Durila, Zachary Gagnon, Samuel Gordon, Angel Harvey, Amber Headlee, Madison Hunyady, Robert Kessler, Beau Klein, David Moore, Hanna Moore, David Morris, Nikko Segarra, Dylan Shashura, Baylee Swarrow, Ashley Vail, Jonathan Willis, and David Wiltrout
Grade 9
Highest honors — Cambria Baker, Vincent Clutter, Daniesha Cole, Haylee Falcon, Sadie Gagnon, Levi Hess, Christian Holmes, Nathan Kalamaras, Brendon MacFann, Alissa Minerd, Jessica Samol, Zoey Sussan, Jacob Yanosky, and Jennifer Zelenick.
High honors — Zachary Bogumit, Olivia Flowers, Ariana Garcia, Noelle Hunter, MacKenzie Little, Mallory Little, Alexis Logan, Alexis Medlen, Easton McDaniel, Luke Pollock, Ryan Ross, Austin Rusilko, Alyssah Sakel, Austin Sethman, Jacob Sinclair, Jeweliana Whipkey, and Ian Wright.
Honors — Cale Aloe, Natalie Beadling, Deanna Cowley, Mary Beth Hill, Alexander Houston, Kaplyn King, Emma Lipniskis, Jordan Miller, Kandalyn Milostan, Landen Moore, Allison McGrady, Cameron Palmer, Garrett Poland, Cory Popielarczyk, David Sawyers, Anna Sloan, Noah Symcheck, Saralyn Thomas, and Blayze Vilcoss.