Ringgold adding cutting-edge math program
NEW EAGLE – The most widely used math program in the United States is coming to Ringgold.
During the monthly meeting of the Ringgold School Board on Wednesday evening, the board approved a motion to enter into an agreement with Great Minds, LLC to provide grade-level training for teachers K-5 and 6-12 for implementation of Eureka Math. Two trainers from Great Minds will be paid $5,000 total for providing a one-day training for Ringgold teachers.
Eureka Math, a math curriculum developed by Great Minds in conjunction with classroom teachers and mathematicians from higher education, fosters a better understanding of mathematics by treating it as a body of knowledge, rather than just a set of skills. This curriculum meets more rigorous learning standards by helping students apply math toward solving real-world problems.
Superintendent Megan Marie Van Fossan said Ringgold’s teachers are excited about using this cutting-edge learning program.
“Several of our teachers downloaded some of the materials and piloted the program,” she said. “They loved the program because it provides them with detailed instructional methods.”
According to Great Minds, many school districts across the country are seeing continuous growth in student achievement by using Eureka Math.
Van Fossan noted that Ringgold will not have to incur any costs beyond training at this point.
“The curriculum is free,” she said. “Also, we aren’t paying for the training with taxpayer dollars. The money is coming out of Title II, Part A , funding, which was identified by the federal government for professional development for teachers. There are some bells and whistles you can add later, but we have enough now to get started.”
In other business, the board approved:
n A motion to support Ringgold School District’s grant application to the PCCD for the purchase of security-related technology.
n Payment of up to $25,000 for participation in a sustainment strategy with the National Math and Science Initiative.
n A motion for payment of $3,542 to HHSDR Architects and Engineers for baseball field renovations at Ringgold High School, despite objections from a few board members who are upset with the architectural firm because it submitted a change order last month asking for nearly $23,000 more than originally budgeted. The board also approved payment of $245,410 to Plavchak Construction Company for services related to the baseball field project.
n A motion to accept the amended and revised police department compensation plan.
n A motion for the district to participate in the Special Olympics Interscholastic Unified Sports Program.