PennDOT maintenance projects in Fayette County
The state Department of Transportation has released a list of work plans for the upcoming week.
During maintenance work activities motorists should expect to encounter flaggers, single-lane restrictions, moving operations, and detours. Motorists should drive with caution throughout all work areas and be alert for signed work zones requiring the usage of headlights.
Work plans and areas include:
n Bridge replacement is scheduled for Rush Run Road in Luzerne Township;
n Base repair is scheduled for White and Bear Rocks Road in Bullskin and Saltlick townships and Buchanan Road in Saltlick township;
n Inlet cleaning is scheduled for New Geneva Road in Nicholson Township;
n Boom mowing is scheduled for Farmington Ohiopyle, Old Mill and Nelson roads in Wharton Township and Chalk Hill Ohiopyle Road in Wharton and Stewart townships;
n Brushing is scheduled for Ralph New Salem Road in German Township;
n Crews will pick up litter on various routes in the Fayette County area whenever weather and other activities will permit;
n Signs will be updated, downed signs will be reset on various routes, and work orders will be addressed across the county.