Area teen competes at state horse show
Meghan Wolfe, a Greene County 4-H Horse and Pony Club member, competed at the PA State 4-H Horse Show on Oct. 26.
Meghan was Reserve Champion out of 15 competitors, riding in the Saddleseat Pleasure, Trotting Division class with her American Saddlebred horse Boulevard.
She competed and placed first at the Greene County Roundup held during the Greene County Fair in Saddleseat Pleasure and also Saddleseat Equitation.
Her first-place finishes qualified her to compete at the District 11 Show held in Allegheny County at North Park in September.
At the District Show, she placed first again, advancing her to the State competition. Meghan was the sole representative from Greene County to show at both districts and state.
Meghan attends Jefferson-Morgan High School and lives near Lippencott with her mom and stepdad, Suzy and Randy Trueblood, where they breed and raise Morgan horses.
She has been actively involved in 4-H for several years; however, this was the first year that she showed Saddleseat.
Meghan takes riding lessons at Seldom Seen Farm in Ruff Creek.