Campus EcoStewards to host Environmental Week
The Waynesburg University EcoStewards club will host its fourth annual Environmental Week Monday, April 22, through Friday, April 26.
The club will offer games and activities daily from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Johnson Commons in an effort to educate students, faculty and staff.
The week was designed to bring awareness to environmental issues and help the campus and community become more eco-friendly.
Each day is themed with the intention of raising awareness about different sustainability issues.
Olivia Roberts, a sophomore human services major and EcoStewards member, looks forward to informing students and faculty about the specific topics for each day of Environmental Week.
“We put a lot of effort into this week because we want people to be more aware and informed about the environment around them,” said Roberts.
Environmental Week themed days include:
n Monday, April 22, Recycling Day
n Tuesday, April 23, Water Day
n Wednesday, April 24, Energy Day
n Thursday, April 25, Organic Day (Benedum Dining Hall)
n Friday, April 26, Plant Day