EPA proposes stricter regulation of steam electric power plant discharges
WASHINGTON — There soon could be less toxic pollutants in the nation’s waterways from power plants.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a range of options to reduce the release of pollutants such as mercury, arsenic, lead and selenium from steam electric power plants into U.S. waterways.
“America’s waterways are vital to the health and well-being of our communities,” said EPA acting administrator Bob Perciasepe. “Reducing the pollution of our waters through effective but flexible controls such as we are proposing today is a win-win for our public health and our economic vitality. We look forward to hearing from all stakeholders on the best way forward.”
An EPA statement cited a recent consent decree filed by environmental groups and requirements of the Clean Water Act as factors of the proposal, which included several options as to how to best deal with the various waste streams from this type of plant.
Steam electric power plants account for more than half of all toxic pollutants discharged into waterways from permitted industrial facilities in the U.S., EPA officials said in a statement. High exposure to these pollutants has been linked to neurological damage and damage to the circulatory system, kidneys and liver. Toxic metals also do not break down in the environment and can contaminate sediment in waterways and impact aquatic life and wildlife, EPA data show.
The agency also said that half of the nation’s coal-fired plants would be in compliance with any of the four options without incurring any additional costs. The proposals would update the current standards, which have been in place since 1982. Any new requirements would be done in phases, from 2017-2022, EPA officials said.
“The four preferred options differ in the number of waste streams covered (such as fly ash handling systems, treatment of air pollution control waste and bottom ash), the size of the units controlled and the stringency of the treatment controls to be imposed,” EPA officials said in a statement.
The new regulations would decrease annual pollution discharges by about 470 million pounds and would reduce water use by 50 billion gallons.
Environmentalists seem to echo a single sentiment — it’s about time.
“After 30 years of inaction, the EPA has finally offered a plan that utilizes affordable, available pollution controls to clean up toxic power plant waste water,” said a statement issued by a coalition of environmental groups, including Appalachian Voices, Clean Water Action, Environmental Integrity Project, Earthjustice, Prairie Rivers Network, Sierra Club, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and Waterkeeper Alliance. “We need strong protections that limit the amount of mercury, lead, arsenic, chromium, and other heavy metals that power plants are dumping into the rivers, lakes, and streams where we fish, boat, swim, and drink. The technology to clean up power plant water discharges exists, and in many cases is already being used.”
But they also say that only two of the options proposed would sufficiently reduce pollutant discharges to waterways.
“While the EPA has presented a menu of options, there are two options (Options 4 and 5) that address all of the contaminated wastewaters of concern across the industry,” the group said. “We are heartened to see that the EPA has identified these options as both achievable and affordable, and we urge the agency to settle on a final choice that will keep America’s waters safe and clean as the Clean Water Act requires.”
The weaker options, the group said, would allow power plants to continue to dump pollutants unabated from unlined pits, or would allow “sweeping exemptions.”
The EPA also announced its intent to align this new rule with a similar 2010 rule regarding coal combustion residuals — or coal ash — since many of the same facilities would fall under both rules. Public comment for the new requirements will be open for 60 days after publication, officials said, and will take final action by May 22.
According to EPA data, there are about 1,200 steam electric power plants that generate electricity using nuclear fuel or fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas in the U.S. Approximately 500 of these power plants are coal-fired units, which are the primary source for the pollutants that would be limited with the new requirement. Power plants smaller than 50 megawatts will not be subjected to the new regulations.
Environmentalists say they will continue to push for one of the stronger requirements.
“Toxic water pollution from coal-fired power plants makes people sick,” she said. “Those who live in the communities around these plants have had all kinds of concerns about the pollution — everything from reduced property values to extremely rare forms of cancer.
“We applaud the EPA for taking this next step to address the problem, and we will keep fighting to ensure the EPA chooses the strongest regulation to protect our health and our water.”