SQUARE DANCE – A square dance (also line dancing, polkas, cake walk and more) will be held on Friday, June 14 from 7-10 p.m. at the Rogersville Fire Hall. Caller will be Dave Dahl. Cost is $5 per person or $8 per couple. Food and drinks will be served beginning at 6:30. Call 724-499-5385 for additional info.
DINNER MEETING – The Warrior Trail Association will be having their June meeting at the Warrior Trail Headquarters in Fordyce on June 20 at 6:30 p.m. Jim McNutt will be drawing from his collection of news photographs to present a humorous program about the things that he has experienced in his 43 years covering local news. This will be a covered dish dinner meeting. The Warrior Trail Association will be providing the main course. For more info, call Llew Williams at 724-447-2951. This presentation is free of charge and open to the public.
ICE CREAM SOCIAL – The Greene County Historical Society will be hosting its annual ice cream social on Sunday, June 23 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the county museum. For more info, call the museum 724-627-3204.
FAMILY REUNION – The 33rd annual Bissett Family Reunion will be held Saturday, June 29, at the Bissett Campgrounds near Rutan. All descendants, relatives, and friends are invited to attend. Dinner will start at 12:30 pm. All are asked to bring a covered dish. Table service will be provided. Those attending may bring an item for a white elephant sale. The sale will be for adults and children.
CAR SHOW – The Greene County chapter of Catholic Charities will hold its second annual Classic Car Show on June 29 from 12 – 3 p.m. at the county fairgrounds. Rain date will be Sunday, June 30. Enjoy live entertainment, food, vendors, auctions and raffle. The event is free for spectators; $10 per classic car registration that begins at 11 am. Car show entrants are eligible to win trophies and windshield plaques. Spectators who bring new baby care items – diapers, bottles, formula – will receive three free tickets for the auction. Donated items benefit Catholic Charities’ Pregnancy and Parenting Support program. For details, call 724-627-6410 or visit
PURPLE MARTINS – The eighth annual Purple Martin Festival will be held on Saturday, June 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Mason-Dixon Park. The two purple martin houses and one gourd rack will be lowered to change the nesting materials in order to prevent parasites. Visitors to the festival will be able to see baby martins in various stages of development. The baby martins will be banded in order to be able to track their migration. Admission is free, and there will be door prizes and food vendors. For more info, call 304-879-5500 or 724-710-4898, e-mail or visit
FREE DELIVERY – Greene County Library System offers free delivery of library materials to all residents of Greene County who are disabled or homebound because of long-term illness or advanced age and are physically unable to come to the library. Call Jill Peth, Outreach Coordinator, at 724-833-4633 for more information.
FARMERS’ MARKET – The Greensboro Farmers’ Market will be held, rain or shine, each Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to 1 pm., now through October. In case of severe weather warnings, the market may be postponed for opening or canceled.
ALL-CLASS REUNION – Carmichaels Area High School and Cumberland Township High School will be holding an all-class reunion on Sept. 13 and 14 at the Carmichaels Fire Hall. There are several activities planned. For reservations or for more info, contact Beverly at 724-966-5424 or Helen at 724-801-8690.