Truck and tractor power pulling competition to be featured at fair

The Greene County Fair is giving truck and tractor pullers a chance to participate in two highly competitive power pulling events for points.
Vehicles that can be registered for the event vary from classic-looking tractors to 20,000-pound open semi-trucks to diesel-powered four-by-fours.
The first power pulling event will begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, August 5, sponsored by Fox Ford, and will feature mostly trucks, with the exception of the Classic Super Stock Tractors. The power pulling competition on Saturday, August 9, sponsored by Bortz Chevrolet, will feature heavier duty trucks and tractors.
The events are put on by Power Pulling Productions, LLC, of Western Pennsylvania, which was the first sanctioning group to join with Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League. This is the eighth year that Power Pulling Productions has hosted pulling competitions at the Greene County Fair.
For Power Pulling Productions promoter Bob Blank, the Greene County Fair stands out among other fairs that host similar competitions.
“The Greene County Fair was one of the first fairs to sign on with us,” Bob Blank explained. Competitive pullers can be sure that the fair is a great venue for the event, Blank explained.
“It’s a good track, a dirt track,” he said.
The event will likewise be exciting for spectators, as they will have the unique opportunity to witness dirt and smoke flying as trucks and tractors pull sleds of various weights, depending on the class of vehicles, to complete a course. Some vehicles may pull up 40,000 pounds. If more than one vehicle can complete a full pull, more weight is added to the sleds and the competitors will continue to complete as many full pulls as possible. The competitor who can pull the sled with the most weight will be declared the winner.
Bob Blank is anticipating a big crowd and many participants for the two events.
“We usually get a good turn-out, we get quite a few trucks coming in,” Blank said.
Because the event is open to public to register for a few classes of vehicles, spectators may get a chance to root for friends and family members competing in the event. Participants interested in entering in the competition will be able to register before the events start, between 4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the building in the infield on the day of the event. The power pulling events will be an opportunity for community members to witness the impressive capabilities of tractors and trucks owned by people they may know.