A busy holiday weekend
…Ho ho ho! Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season and getting ready for that special visit from the jolly old fat man! (And no, I don’t mean your long-lost uncle Mortimer, I’m talking about Saint Nick.) I personally am expecting nothing more than a stocking full of coal this year, as I am sure my wife will be the first to tell anyone that I have not exactly been a good boy this year. But my wife and I are looking forward to celebrating another wonderful Christmas with our son Bryson and our dog Lexi, both who will no doubt be spoiled rotten.
So even though I probably made Santa’s “Naughty” list this year, I am still excited about the holiday season and I have to admit that even as I write this column I am filled with the Christmas spirit. And it’s all because I enjoyed quite a busy holiday schedule this past weekend.
It all started Friday night with the Holiday Open House in downtown Waynesburg, as I was treated to an evening of live seasonal entertainment. It was enlightening to see the local folks gathering downtown to enjoy carriage rides, watch classic holiday movies, shop in the local stores and get their pictures taken with Santa.
The festivities continued on Saturday, as I made my way to the Waynesburg Chamber of Commerce’s annual Christmas Parade, in which folks gathered to witness a wide array of entertaining entries, from marching bands and dancing troupes to antique cars and colorful holiday floats. (By the way, congratulations to the Greene County Republican Committee, which won first-place honors in the decorated float contest.) Of course, the highlight of the parade once again was the very last entry, which was the carriage containing the VIP’s of the event, Santa and Mrs. Claus.
(I tried to have a chat with Santa, to make one last desperate plea to convince him that I really was a good boy this year, but my pleas went unheard. Perhaps he has been talking to my wife a little too much lately.)
I really want to commend Waynesburg Prosperous & Beautiful and the Waynesburg Chamber of Commerce for doing a terrific job of coordinating these special events especially considering that they were battling Mother Nature, who unkindly decided to dump steady bouts of rain during both events. Despite the bad weather, the organizations did their best to keep the holiday spirit going and it was encouraging to see the many folks who did support the events and refuse to let rain dampen their holiday spirits.
I also want to acknowledge that there were quite a few other holiday events held in Greene County this past weekend that I simply could not physically attend, including the “Breakfast with Santa” at the fairgrounds, the annual “Light Up Night” in Carmichaels and Greensboro, the Rotary Club of Waynesburg’s annual “Winter Wonderland Gala.”
All in all, it was quite a festive way to kick off the holiday season. Big “Greene Thumbs” up for everyone and anyone who participated in any way to help make any or all of these special holiday events happen…
…Speaking of Christmas: I wanted to let you know about a couple of other different holiday-themed events that are happening this month.
The Humane Society of Greene County is selling its 2015 Humane Society Lottery Calendar. Each calendar has a three-digit number attached, along with wonderful pictures of some of the precious animals who have found their way to the local shelter’s care. For a $30 donation, this number will be your number from Jan. 1 until Dec. 31, 2015. If your number comes out straight in the Pennsylvania Lottery’s Evening Daily Number, you will win the amount of money shown on that day. The minimum prize each day is $30 and amounts are larger on holidays and weekends. This is a great Christmas gift idea for family members, co-workers and anyone who cares about animals and loves them.
Purchase the calendar on-line by going to the Humane Society’s website, www.greenepet.org, and go to the “Donation” banner at the top of the home page and click on “Buy A Calendar.” You can also stop by the shelter on Mondays, Wednesdays or Saturdays, from noon to 5 p.m., to purchase a calendar.
All of the proceeds from the purchase of the calendar will assist the Humane Society’s mission to provide shelter, safety and food for the orphaned and abused animals of Greene County, with the ultimate goal of placing them in loving forever homes.
For more info, check out the website or call the shelter at 724-627-9988.
Also, the Waynesburg University Fine Arts Department and Music Program will present their annual Christmas concert, “A Childhood Christmas,” Saturday, Dec. 13, at 7:30 p.m. in Roberts Chapel.
Doors open at 7 p.m. Admission is free, and the public is cordially invited to attend. There is no reserved seating.
Join the Lamplighters Concert Choir, Symphonic Band and the entire Department of Fine Arts for a Christmas celebration. The musicians will share photos of their most cherished holiday memories and perform arrangements of works such as “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” “White Christmas,” “The Nutcracker Suite” and “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”
Following the concert, the public is invited to visit with students and faculty at a reception in the Marsh Center, hosted by the Waynesburg University Music Program and the officer staff of the Lamplighters Choir and Symphonic Band.
Also, don’t forget that The Tri-County Leathernecks Association in Greene County is holding its annual Christmas toy drive, in which they collect and distribute toys for area children. This year, the Leathernecks will distribute toys on Dec. 20 at the following four locations from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: The Greene County Fairgrounds, Carmichaels American Legion, St. Thomas Church in Clarksville and Shannopin Civic Club in Bobtown. Call Buzz Walters at 724-499-5348 for more information.
I also wanted to mention a special holiday service that will be held on Monday, Dec. 15. The ninth annual “Empty Chair at Christmas” Service will be held at 7 p.m. at the First Church of the Nazarene in Waynesburg. The service will be led by Rev. Dr. Donald Wilson. Following the service, everyone is invited for refreshments and fellowship. The annual event is sponsored by GriefSHARE, a support group for those touched by the loss of a loved one. For more information about this service, contact Cherie Rumskey at the Victim/Witness Assistance Program at 724-852-5229…