Dreaming of a Greene Christmas
WAYNESBURG – The Christmas season officially kicked off in Greene County last weekend with a slew of holiday events held all throughout the area.
On Friday, Dec. 5 and Saturday, Dec. 6, area residents were treated to several merry activities, including the Waynesburg Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual Christmas Parade and a “Breakfast with Santa” at the county fairgrounds on Saturday, and Waynesburg Prosperous and Beautiful’s annual Holiday Open House on Friday.
The festivities kicked off with the seventh annual Holiday Open House in downtown Waynesburg on Friday. The event featured horse-drawn carriage rides, photos with Santa on the courthouse steps, live music, food, a Christmas tree lighting ceremony on the courthouse steps and a free outdoor screening of “A Christmas Story.” Most stores in the downtown business district extended their hours for holiday shoppers.
One unwelcome visitor to the event, unfortunately, was Mother Nature, who was apparently in a bad mood and brought with her a steady downpour of rain. The miserable weather conditions put a damper on the total number of people in attendance; however, despite the rain and smaller crowds, those who did attend and participate in the event made the most of the unpleasant weather.
The seasonal weekend continued on Saturday with the traditional “Breakfast with Santa” event at the county fairgrounds.
According to information provided by the county department of recreation, more than 80 local children attended the event. Children in attendance had the opportunity to sit with Santa Claus, discuss their Christmas lists with him and have their pictures taken. Each child also received a special treat from Santa and a Santa’s helper hat, as well as a bag of reindeer food to help guide his sleigh team on Christmas Eve.
Other activities included ornament-making and a coloring contest. Contest winners in different age categories received $10 Wal-Mart gift cards. The winners were: ages 1 to 3, Kendall McKay, 3, of Waynesburg; ages 4 to 6, Gabby Russo, 6, of Holbrook; ages 7 to 9, Abigail Riggen, 8, of Waynesburg; and ages 10 and up, Remmey Lohr, 11, of Carmichaels.
The breakfast was prepared and served by Chef Dan Wagner, culinary arts instructor at the Greene County Career and Technology Center.
Helping with the festivities were Lohr, the 2014 Junior Miss Greene County, and Bailey Barnyak of Carmichaels, the 2014 Petite Miss Greene County.
The county department of recreation would like to thank Santa and Mrs. Claus, everyone who attended, all of the volunteers and the Greene County commissioners for sponsoring. All supplies were purchased with proceeds from previous recreation events, such as the annual Dock to Lock 5K Run/Walk held each May.
“The commissioners very much enjoy being a part of the ‘Breakfast with Santa,” said Chuck Morris, chairman of the Greene County board of commissioners. “It is always well-attended, and kids have a terrific time. And we appreciate how Santa always manages to take time out of his busy schedule to accommodate this event. The department of recreation does a great job putting it together, and we hope to see it continue for years to come.”
Later in the day, the Waynesburg Area Chamber of Commerce held its annual Christmas Parade.
The parade, which was sponsored by Greene County Tourism, featured 80 entries representing various area schools, churches, civic organizations, agencies and businesses. The parade was also hampered by rain, resulting in a lower number of entries compared to years past; however, the unseasonably warm temperatures encouraged many spectators to enjoy the parade.
“We are actually elated that we didn’t have more cancellations due to the rain,” said Melody Longstreth, executive director of the Waynesburg Area Chamber of Commerce.
“Considering the weather, we were very pleased with the way everything turned out. We were especially happy with the floats; the creativity and execution of the floats has been getting better and better the past few years.”
Winners of the float entry competitions were: First place float, the Greene County Republican Committee; second place float, Patriots Dream Riding Association; third place float, Greene County 4-H Clubs; best design, Greene Arc, Inc.; most spirit, Greene County Relay For Life; and most original, Baby Rain Day King and Queen.
Serving as the parade’s co-grand marshals were Miss Rain Day 2014 Morgan Voithofer and the Chamber’s 2014 Distinguished Service Award winners, Rev. Donald Wilson, Edward and Sandy Zeglan and Patriots Dream Riding Association.
The parade also featured various young ladies who were crowned Miss Merry Christmas queens from the county’s schools. This year’s queens are: Sara Reeves of Carmichaels, representing Carmichaels Area High School; Grace Haywood of Clarksville, representing Jefferson-Morgan High School; Marissa Ferrier of Greensboro, representing Mapletown High School; and Lawren Hilverding of Spraggs, representing Waynesburg Central High School.
Waynesburg University’s student-operated television station, WCYJ-TV, videotaped, narrated and edited the parade for broadcast on local stations. A broadcast date will be announced soon.
The Waynesburg Area Chamber of Commerce would also like to thank the businesses and individuals who helped to make this year’s parade a success and officially welcomed Santa into the downtown to kick off the holiday season in Waynesburg.
Longstreth said the Chamber is proud to bring this event to the Waynesburg Community each year and recognizes the many individuals, organizations, businesses, schools and churches for the contributions to making the parade happen.
The weekend also featured Light-Up Nights in Carmichaels and Greensboro, as well as the Rotary Club of Waynesburg’s fifth annual Winter Wonderland Gala at the Greene County Courthouse.
As busy as last weekend was, there are still many more seasonal events that are being held throughout the county that will delight even the grumpiest Grinch.
The following events have been announced. The information listed here was sent to our office by press time.
The Eva K. Bowlby Public Library’s Children’s and Family Literacy Departments will host a special After Hours Holiday Pajama Party on Friday, Dec. 12. Join the library from 4 to 8 p.m. for a viewing of a holiday movie; the library will also share warm cookies and milk, along with games, seasonal crafts and activities. Family members are invited and encouraged to attend. Call the library at 724-627-9776 to register.
A Christmas tree decorating and lighting event will be held on Saturday, Dec. 13 next to Community Bank in Rogersville. Everyone is welcome to help decorate the tree from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The lighting of the tree will take place at 7 p.m. Hot chocolate and snacks will be provided in the Rogersville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Call 724-499-5590 for additional info.
The Nathanael Greene Historical Foundation’s annual Holiday Craft Blast will be held at the Greene County Fairgrounds on Sunday, Dec. 14 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event will feature a large selection of handmade crafts as well as soups and sandwiches made by Nathanael Greene members. For more info, call Jeanne Stacher at 724-627-3502 or Mary Shine at 724-943-4462, e-mail Mary Shine at shine201027@yahoo.com, or visit www.natgreene.org.
A Community Christmas Dinner will be held on Sunday, Dec. 14 beginning at 5 p.m. at the Center Twp. Fire Hall in Rogersville. Meat, rolls and beverages will be provided. Those attending are asked to bring a covered dish. Santa will visit.
The ninth annual “Empty Chair at Christmas” Service will be held on Monday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. at the First Church of the Nazarene in Waynesburg. The service will be led by Rev. Dr. Donald Wilson. Following the service, everyone is invited for refreshments and fellowship.
The annual event is sponsored by GriefSHARE, a support group for those touched by the loss of a loved one.
For more information about this service, contact Cherie Rumskey at the Victim/Witness Assistance Program at 724-852-5229.
The annual Christmas Toy Program, sponsored by the Tri-County Leathernecks, will hold its toy distribution on Dec. 20 at the following four locations, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: The Greene County Fairgrounds, Carmichaels American Legion, St. Thomas Church in Clarksville and Shannopin Civic Club in Bobtown. Call Buzz Walters at 724-499-5348 for more information.