
School boards reorganize for 2015

By Messenger And Staff 3 min read

For area school boards, the first week in December signals changes as they hold their annual reorganization meetings. The five school boards in Greene County made the following adjustments for 2015:


The reorganization of the Carmichaels Area School board revealed little change.

Current board president Tom Ricco was re-elected to a one year term after being nominated by board member Kenneth Ganocy.

Vice President Melodi Berardi was also re-elected to the position for a one-year term. The board also voted to retain Sam Davis, from Davis and Davis Attorneys at Law in Uniontown, as its solicitor. Davis is paid $350 per month and $75 an hour for any additional hours.

Also for one-year terms, board member Ronald Ferek was elected to serve as the board’s legislative representative, while Richard Krause will serve as the strategic plan representative.

Regular meetings will continue to be held at 7 p.m. the third Thursday of each month in the high school library.

Central Greene

Andrew Corfont remains president of the nine-member board, while John Bristor was elected the board’s new vice-president.

Kirk King remains as solicitor while Sharon Bennett was appointed the new assistant secretary.

Monthly meetings are held in the board office in the administration building, located at 205 S. Cumberland Street in Waynesburg, at 6 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month.


Lisa Mattish and Bob Mitchell were re-elected to serve as president and vice president, respectively, of the Jefferson-Morgan School Board. Director John Shaffer turned down a nomination for president.

Mattish was elected president in an 8-1 vote, with Director Jon Hildebrand casting the opposing vote.

Mitchell, who was elected by unanimous vote by the board, was the only nominee for vice president.

Directors by unanimous vote also reappointed director and board member Donna Brown to serve as the representative to the Greene County Career and Technical Center with Director Mark Pochron serving as an alternate.

The board will continue in 2015 to meet for its work session at 6:30 p.m. and its regular meeting at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month with the following date changes: Jan. 20, Feb. 17, June 22 and Dec. 1.

Southeastern Greene

At its board meeting on Dec. 8, Joe Spiker was retained as board president with Gary Moser replacing Janet Pennington as vice-president. Tim Berggren was retained as solicitor. Monthly board meetings in 2015 will be held at 7 p.m. the fourth Monday of every month in the Mapletown Junior-Senior cafeteria.

West Greene

At its annual board reorganization meeting held the beginning of December, all nine board members were re-elected, with Regina MacDowell serving as president and Butch Cassiday serving as vice-president.

Barbara Graham of Peacock-Keller remains as solicitor and Kelly Loughman will serve as secretary.

The West Greene School District Board of Education has set the 2015 meeting schedules as follows: The regular board meeting will be held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. with the pre-board meeting at 6 p.m. The March meeting will be held at the Greene County Career and Technology Center; the April meeting will be at Graysville Elementary; the May meeting at Springhill-Freeport Elementary; and all others at the Middle-Senior High School Cafeteria.

Exceptions to the schedule are: The meeting for May will be held on May 21 to allow 30 days for budget approval; November’s meeting will be held on Nov. 19 due to the Thanksgiving holiday; and December’s meeting will be held on Dec. 10 with the regular board meeting to immediately follow the reorganization meeting, which begins at 6 p.m.


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