JULY 4 CELEBRATION – The Fourth of July Celebration will be held at the Greene County Fairgrounds on Friday, July 4. The Lions Club of Waynesburg will offer its annual Fourth of July activities, including a pancake breakfast, car show, fireworks and more. For more info, call 724-627-5284, or e-mail
BENEFIT CAR SHOW – The “Rev Up For A Cure” Benefit Car Show will be held on Saturday, July 5 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Greene Plaza in Waynesburg. The event, organized by the Mason-Dixon Crew of, will benefit the American Cancer Society and in loving memory of Mason-Dixon Crew member Cindy Lee. For more info, call 724-998-2386.
FAMILY REUNION – A family reunion for Haines and Fox families as well as “wanna-be” Haines and extended family members will be held on Sunday, July 6 at the Mason Dixon Park in Mt. Morris beginning at 1 p.m.
FLASHLIGHT DRAGS – Flashlight Drags will return to the Greene County Airport on July 6. Gates open at 11 a.m. Racing will be from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. For more info, call the Department of Recreation at 724-852-5323, or visit
JACKTOWN FAIR – The 149th annual Jacktown Fair will be held in Wind Ridge July 15-19 and will feature various events that will appeal to young and old alike, including games, competitions, musical performances, a parade and much more. The Jacktown Fair is the country’s longest continuously running fair. For more info, call 724-428-3637 or visit
AVIATION DAY – Aviation Day will be held July 19 and 20 at the Greene County Airport from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. There will be free airplane rides for youths ages 8-17, as long as they have written consent from a parent or guardian. The Skydive opening will be on July 19, weather permitting. There will be tons of food, static displays and Bi-plane rides, $5 per vehicle. For more info, call John Strope at 724-852-4328, Jeff Halliday at 724-998-6973, or e-mail
FAMILY REUNION – The descendants of Willis Land and Melza Ealy Clutter will be holding their annual family reunion at the Prosperity Park on Sunday, July 27. Lunch will be served at 12 p.m. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish and a new or slightly used item for the white elephant sale. Main dish, coffee, drinks and table service will be provided.
CLASS REUNION – Waynesburg High School class of 1946 will hold a get together at Rohanna’s Restaurant on Friday, Aug. 8 starting at 6 p.m. For more info, call Marilyn Eichenlaub at 724-627-5173.