
Bowlby Library announces upcoming events

4 min read

The Eva K. Bowlby Public Library in Waynesburg recently announced the following upcoming events.

n The Bowlby Public Library will be closed on Nov. 27 and 28 (Thanksgiving holidays). The library will reopen on Saturday, Nov. 29.

n The Literacy Department at the Bowlby Public Library is offering a free S.A.T. preparation class to high school students in Greene County. The class will be on Saturday, Nov. 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students will be guided through study portions of the English, math and writing sections of the test. If you have a scientific calculator, bring it with you, as well as a bag lunch. Pre-registration is required. Call 724-627-9776 for more information.

n T.O.P.S. – Taking Off Pounds Sensibly is a weight management support group that meets every Saturday at the Bowlby Public Library from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. New members are always welcome.

n The Friends of the Bowlby Public Library would like to invite everyone to attend the Holiday Open House featuring the Friends’ Cookie Walk/Cookie Raffle on Wednesday, Dec. 3 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the library. Cookies will be for sale for $3 per dozen (box container) or $5 per dozen (Christmas Tin provided by the Friends). Pictures with Santa will also be available from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. that day; the cost is $10 for two 5×7 photos. The library is also offering a Holiday Story Time from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Raffle tickets are on sale now for $1 per ticket or six tickets for $5 for a Cookie Basket (filled with 12 different cookie-filled tins) or a Children’s Christmas Basket (filled with toys, games, books, etc.), and can be purchased through Dec. 3. All proceeds from cookie sales will benefit the Bowlby Library.

n The Bowlby Library mascot, Fetch, would like to invite his stuffed friends to the very first Stuffed Animal Sleepover. Youngsters of all ages can bring their favorite stuffed animal to the library on Wednesday, Dec. 3. At 5 p.m. Fetch and his friends – plus their owners – can enjoy a special Holiday Story Time. After story time and craft time, the children say goodbye to their stuffed animals and the fun overnight adventure begins. See what happens when the library is closed. Your stuffed animals will make new friends, play, and maybe even sleep. Pick up your stuffed animal the next day between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.

n The Bowlby Public Library would like to invite all readers to their Christmas Around The World event on Saturday, Dec. 6. Members of Waynesburg University’s Kappa Delta Pi are inviting children in kindergarten through high school to stop by the library between 1 and 3 p.m. to learn how other countries celebrate the Christmas season through stories. You are welcome to wear your pajamas, robe or other comfy clothes; there will also be refreshments and hot cocoa. Call the library at 724-627-9776 to pre-register for the event.

n On Friday, Dec. 12, the Children’s and Family Literacy Departments at the Bowlby Public Library will be hosting a very special After Hours Holiday Pajama Party. Join the library from 4 to 8 p.m. for a viewing of a holiday movie; the library will also share warm cookies and milk, along with games, seasonal crafts and activities. Family members are invited and encouraged to attend. Don’t forget to wear your Christmas jammies. Call the library at 724-627-9776 to register.

n Join the library on Dec. 17 for Movie Night @ Your Library. Beginning promptly at 6 p.m. the library will be previewing the Hallmark movie, “The Christmas Candle.” Free popcorn for movie goers. Call to pre-register at 724-627-9776.

n The Bowlby Public Library will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 24 and Thursday, Dec. 25 in observance of the Christmas holiday. The library will be closing early on New Year’s Eve, Wednesday, Dec. 31; business hours on that Wednesday will be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The library will be closed Thursday, Jan. 1 for New Year’s Day.


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