

4 min read

CIVIC CLUB – The Carmichaels Women’s Civic Club will meet on Thursday, Dec. 4, at 6 p.m. at the Carmichaels Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. This will be the club’s annual Christmas party. All members are reminded to bring a covered dish to this event, as well as family members and friends. Items will be collected for the Hugs and Kisses program, the Women’s Shelter, Dress for Success, books for the book drive, and toiletries for care packages for the military. Entertainment will be provided by Bob Podish, local musician. New members are welcome.

FREE BREAKFAST – A free hunters’ breakfast will be held on Monday, Dec. 1 from 4:30 to 7 a.m. at the Waynesburg Bible Chapel, located at 800 E. Greene St. in Waynesburg. The breakfast will include biscuits and gravy, pancakes, eggs, sausage, toast, coffee and juice.

NEW YORK TRIP – Tickets are now on sale for a Red Eye Trip to New York City, April 17, 2015. Tickets cost $130 and benefit the West Greene Football Quarterback Club. First-come, first-serve. For a reservation or further info, contact Kelly Bedilion at 724-428-3839 or 724-998-8661 or; or Crystal Jackson at 724-499-5028 or 724-833-1719 or

OPEN HOUSE – The Greene County Historical Society invites the public to the annual Christmas Open House. This event is free to the public to see the museum decorated for the season. There will be demonstrations of model trains, live music and plenty of refreshments, and even Santa Claus pops in for a visit. The Open House will be held on Nov. 22, 23, 29 and 30. For more info, call the museum at 724-627-3204.

QUILTERS AVAILABLE – The Waynesburg Community (Senior) Center quilters have openings for quilt tops to be quilted. If you have a quilt top and would like them to do it for you, contact Patty Tharp at the Center at 724-627-6366. The quilters raise money for the center by making quilts and all the quilting is done by hand the old-fashioned way.

LIBRARY EVENT – The Bowlby Public Library would like to invite all readers to their Christmas Around The World event on Saturday, Dec. 6. Members of Waynesburg University’s Kappa Delta Pi are inviting children in kindergarten through high school to stop by the library between 1 and 3 p.m. to learn how other countries celebrate the Christmas season through stories. Call the library at 724-627-9776 to pre-register for the event.

OPEN HOUSE – The annual Holiday Open House will be held in downtown Waynesburg on Dec. 5. Come to downtown Waynesburg from 5 to 8:30 p.m. and visit all of the shops, which will be extending their hours for this special event. For more info, call Waynesburg Prosperous & Beautiful at 724-627-8119, or visit

HOLIDAY EVENT – The Carmichaels Christmas Parade and Light-Up Night will be held on Dec. 6 at the Town Square in Carmichaels. For more info, call 724-966-5073, or visit

CHRISTMAS PARADE – The annual Waynesburg Christmas Parade will be held Dec. 6 in downtown Waynesburg. The parade begins at 2 p.m. For more info, call the Waynesburg Area Chamber of Commerce at 724-627-5926.

BREAKFAST WITH SANTA – “Breakfast with Santa” will be held at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Waynesburg on Dec. 6, beginning at 9 a.m. For more info, call the Department of Recreation at 724-852-5323.

CRAFT SHOW – The Nathanael Greene Historical Foundation’s annual Holiday Craft Blast will be held at the Greene County Fairgrounds on Sunday, Dec. 14 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more info, call Jeanne Stacher at 724-627-3502 or Mary Shine at 724-943-4462, e-mail Mary Shine at, or visit


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