Servant Song Ministries to host several upcoming events
Servant Song Ministries, located at 720 East Greene Street in Waynesburg, will host and present several upcoming events.
n A program titled “Subverting the Honor/Shame System” will be held at Servant Song Ministries on Tuesday, Oct. 7 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
In this audio teaching, presenter Richard Rohr offers insight into the life, and vision of Francis of Assisi, as seen through the lens of Jesus’ teachings presented in Matthew’s Gospel. Although separated in time by centuries, using the tools of cultural anthropology, clearly people in the Mediterranean worlds of Jesus and Francis shared the social milieu defined and bound by “honor/shame” systems.
Rohr reflects on the expectations and limits these systems place on men and women’s lives, and how Jesus and Francis sought to free people from such life-denying limitations systems. If we think that such systems do not exist in today’s world, we might be very surprised.
Registration is helpful for planning. Call 724-852-2133.
n The Greene County United Methodist Ministerial Group will meet at Servant Song Ministries on Thursday, Oct. 9 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
n An enrichment series titled “The Enneagram – Tool for Your Spiritual Journey” will be held at Servant Song Ministries on Tuesdays, Oct. 14, Oct. 28, and Nov. 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
A serious, deep study of the Enneagram shows the importance of Grace and the awakening of the soul. Gaining clear self-knowledge is a crucial step in this process of becoming fully human. The Enneagram helps us in this journey. Presented as a serious spiritual tool, a tool of remembrance, a pathway to open ourselves to the gift of God’s Presence, the depth of the teachings offered in this video conference presented by Richard Rohr and Russ Hudson go far beyond the identification of the nine Enneagram types.
Registration is helpful for planning. Call 724-852-2133.
n Healing Prayer is held each Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Rev. Peter Ostrander, an Anglican priest, will begin with a Communion service bringing before God the needs of those who have sent their prayer requests or have come to Servant Song, and also those of Servant Song Ministries. Everyone is welcome. Private Christian healing prayer ministry will follow (about 11 a.m.) and may include laying-on-of hands or anointing in ways respectful of various Church traditions and personal boundaries.