Commissioners issue proclamations
WAYNESBURG – Greene County Commissioners issued three proclamations Thursday with the goal of bringing attention to child abuse prevention as well as local granges and libraries.
Commissioners proclaimed April Child Abuse Prevention Month. The proclamation acknowledges that child abuse is the leading cause of out-of-home placements in Greene County, and encourages the community to help protect children from physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
Stacey Courtwright, Children and Youth Services administrator, told the commissioners that CYS has seen a significant increase in reported cases during the first three months of 2015.
“As we continue the agency’s goals, which are permanency, safety and the well-being for children, the agency has been extremely busy,” she said. “The new Child Protective Services Laws implemented on Dec. 31 have made a major impact on our daily work. From January to March, the agency has had 292 incidents with 227 families involving 482 children. When comparing January through March in 2015 to the same time frame last year, the agency has had an increase of 71 percent in incidents reported, 80 percent of families being served and a 68 percent increase in the amount of children.”
Commissioners also proclaimed April Grange Month. The proclamation recognizes the Grange organization for advancing the interest of farmers, rural Americans and the nation’s families through the idea that “community is the foundation of happiness.”
Founded in 1867, the grange values service through educational efforts, leadership, and commitment to families, homes, farms, communities and the nation.
Attending the presentation of the proclamation were Bill Humbert, Carmichaels Grange president; Marty Dinsmore, Greene County Pomona Grange president; Bonnie Smouse, East Franklin Grange president; and Mary Jane Kent, Harveys-Aleppo Grange president.
Commissioners also proclaimed April 12-18 National Library Week. The proclamation recognizes libraries and librarians for helping to change lives in their communities, on campuses and in schools by providing resources and services to meet community needs. County residents are encouraged to visit a local library and take advantage of all the resources available.
As part of National Library Week, Therese Barry, Greene County Library System administrator, announced that Bowlby and Flenniken libraries will offer a “Fine Free Week” during which any fines on overdue materials will be forgiven.
Barry also announced that the libraries have two new databases for downloading music and magazines, and that the GCLS will host its first countywide fundraiser, a Quarter Auction, on April 25 at the Greene County Fairgrounds.
Attending the proclamation presentation were David Price, member of the Greene County Library System and Flenniken Library boards; Katy Pretz, Flenniken Library director; Therese Barry, GCLS administrator; Kathy McClure, Bowlby Library director; and Jill Peth, GCLS outreach coordinator.
In other matters, commissioners awarded a contract to a Belle Vernon excavating company for the rehabilitation of Murtha Drive in Franklin Township.
County Chief Clerk Jeff Marshall said the rehabilitation will include the repairing of 31 different damaged areas that were mostly caused by poor water drainage. The work will include repairing road surfaces, piping, digging, repacking and improving drainage, he added.
Morgan Excavating, L.P. submitted the lowest of five bids for the project and was awarded the contract after submitting their bid of $347,592. The other bids were submitted by Peter J. Caruso and Sons, Inc. of Pittsburgh ($415,099), Tedesco Excavating and Paving Inc. of McKeesport ($439,058), Lindy Paving Inc. of New Galilee ($527,635) and El Grande Industries Inc. of Monessen ($576,489).
The contract will be paid for through Act 13 money allotted to the county, and the repairs are expected to be finished sometime this spring or early summer, Marshall said.