Trucks, tractors set to compete in Power Pulling contests

WAYNESBURG — The Greene County Fair will have two nights filled with roaring engines, billowing smoke, and flying dirt as Power Pulling Productions LLC returns to the fair once more for the annual Power Pulling competition.
The two separate competitions will give truck and tractor pullers a chance to participate in two highly competitive power pulling events for points.
Vehicles that can be registered for the event vary from classic-looking tractors to 20,000-pound open semi-trucks to diesel-powered four by fours.
The first power pulling event will begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 11, sponsored by Fox Ford, and will feature mostly trucks.
The power pulling competition on Saturday, Aug. 15, sponsored by Bortz Chevrolet Subaru, will feature heavier duty trucks and tractors and will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Power Pulling Productions, LLC, of western Pennsylvania, was the first sanctioning group to join with Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League. According to Bob Blank, owner of Power Pulling Productions, this is the 10th year that the Greene County Fair has served as a venue for the competitions.
The Greene County Fair was one of the first fairs to sign on with Power Pulling Productions, which is why it is meaningful to Blank. Additionally, Blank explained he always is always pleased to be have the power pulling competitions featured at the Greene County Fair, as he truly enjoys working with the Greene County Fair Board.
“They’re always good to us,” Blank said. “They’re easy to get along with, they do a good job and treat us right.”
Blank added he also appreciates that the facility is very accessible and allows the pullers to transport their vehicles there without any problems.
The Power Pulling competitions give viewers the unique opportunity to witness trucks and tractors furiously spit out smoke while wheels create deep rents in the dirt track, all in the effort to pull sleds of various weights to complete a course.
If more than one vehicle can complete a full pull, more weight is added to the sleds and the competitors will continue to complete as many full pulls as possible.
The competitor who can pull the sled with the most weight will be declared the winner.
The Power Pulling competition has proven to be a staple of the Greene County Fair over the last few year and this year will be no different.
“We always have a good turnout of vehicles, and we always have a nice-sized crowd,” Blank said.
Because the event is open to public to register for a few classes of vehicles, spectators may get a chance to root for friends and family members competing in the event. Participants interested in entering in the competition will be able to register a few hours before the start of the event.
With pullers that aim to please the crowds, Blank believes the Power Pulling events will be entertaining to all who watch.
“I’d love to have everyone come out and check it out,” Blank stated. “I think they would really enjoy it.”
The power pulling events will be a chance to showcase the impressive capabilities of tractors and trucks owned by people from within the community and it continues to be a feature of the Greene County Fair that is beloved by people of all ages.