COMMUNITY DINNER – A community dinner will be held at Rogersville United Methodist Church (Fellowship Hall) on Friday, Dec. 18, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The dinner will be served a week earlier this month.) Menu to be decided. Dinner is free; donations accepted. Carryout available. Everyone welcome. Call 724-499-5159 or 724-499-5385 for additional info.
TOY DRIVE – The Tri-County Leathernecks Association in Greene County is holding its annual Christmas toy drive, in which they collect and distribute toys for area children. This year, the Leathernecks will distribute toys on Dec. 18 at the following four locations from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: The Greene County Fairgrounds, Carmichaels American Legion, St. Thomas Church in Clarksville and Shannopin Civic Club in Bobtown. Call Buzz Walters at 499-5348 for more information.
FREE CLASS – The Bowlby Library in Waynesburg is offering a free computer class titled “Getting Started with a PC” on Monday, Dec. 21, from 6 to 7:45 p.m. The class is for beginners who have little or no experience with a computer. Students will learn basic parts of a computer, how to properly turn on and off a computer and basic internet browsing. Call the library at 724-627-9776 to register; seating is limited.
LIBRARY HOURS – The Bowlby Library in Waynesburg will be closed Thursday, Dec. 24, and Friday, Dec. 25, in observance of the Christmas holiday. The library will be closing early on New Year’s Eve (Thursday, Dec. 31); business hours on that Thursday will be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The library will be closed Friday, Jan 1, for New Year’s Day.
FITNESS CLASS – The Flenniken Library in Carmcihaels is presenting “PiYo Live.” Prepare to stretch and sweat. Free fitness class Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Instructor is Ashley Donaldson. Bring your own yoga mat and water. A donation of $5 per class is requested but not required. Call the library at 724-966-5263 to sign up.
ONLINE CLASSES – Gale Courses, free six-week online classes, are now being offered at the Flenniken Library in Carmichaels. The classes includes topics such as accounting, grant writing, computer skills, web design and more. Call the library at 724-966-5263 for more info.
LIBRARY HOURS – The Flenniken Library in Carmichaels will be closed on Thursday, Dec. 24 and Friday, Dec. 25 in observance of Christmas. The library will be open Saturday, Dec. 26. The library will also be closed on Thursday, Dec. 31 and Friday, Jan. 1 in observance of New Year’s. The library will be open Saturday, Jan. 2.