
Looking back over the year

By Ken Dufalla 4 min read
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Well, when I look back over the year, I must say I am disappointed. So much has come to light about our water quality in the area and nothing has been done to address the issue.

We know that the bromide levels are sky high. We also know that the state has the right to set bromide standards. This is where a lot of the frustration comes in to play. The state has done nothing to address a standard.

Here is a suggestion: there are three bromides in every one trihalomethane molecule. The limit for trihalomethane is 80 ppb. Then why not set the limit for bromides at 240 ppb? The math is simple. If three bromides are found in every one trihalomethane, then multiply the 80 ppb by three which will give 240 ppb. I guess my logic must be too complicated to follow. Just maybe there is another reason not to set the limit for bromide. Meanwhile, the residents are still paying for and drinking water above the 80 ppb level for safe drinking water. Is this fair?

Let us look at another disturbing problem that has come to the forefront lately. That is the Wisecarver reservoir. From my knowledge, there was a large grant given to Southwestern Pennsylvania Water Authority to fix the dam and then make the area into a park with ball fields and trails and basic recreation for the public. The lake was going to be stocked and help to end some of the pain of losing Duke Lake, but what happened?

Now, I am told that the county doesn’t want it. The parks and recreation doesn’t want it. The reason given to me is that there is no way to maintain it. Am I thinking wrong, or doesn’t the Greene County Prison send out prisoners to do work on public projects? The state Fish Commission had fish available three times to stock the lake and each time they were sent to another area, not to Greene County.

Why? Could it be that the water in the lake is going to be sold to EQT for drilling purposes? How can grant money be obtained through the promise that a park will be built, and then all of the sudden it is private? Is this another $4.9 million fiasco like the first attempt on cleaning up the Mather Gob pile? Where did that $4.9 million go? To me, something is just not adding up. Maybe it’s time that a closer look is needed to find out what is really going on.

One other thing: since SWPA has gone to the use of chloramines, has anyone received their quarterly monthly water report? I know I haven’t. Well, if I can’t get my reports, I will find a way to test the water myself through certified lab data. Clean water is too valuable to us all to be ignored. Our children’s health depends on clean water. If there is a problem with the water, we as the public should know of it.

The records should be open to the public. If there is a problem, the water company must notify the customers. If they do not, then it is a violation of the law and the company is liable for its actions. I don’t like what I am finding out about some of the actions taking place presently in the county that deal with our water.

Why has the DEP not released the results of the June 22, 2015 water testing done on Ten Mile Creek? We were promised these results in September. This is December and no results.

I was asked to make a comment on the DEP releasing the Ten Mile Creek water testing. I have no results to comment about. I have not seen the results, but I will tell you this: I have certified lab results on Ten Mile Creek.

The DEP will be given ample opportunity to be up-front about the water issues, and an opportunity to set and discuss solutions to the problems. If they choose not to partake in such an action, then the Izaak Walton League will do what is necessary to protect our children’s right to clean water as provided by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of PA article 1 section 27. That is a fact!

From my house to yours, have a happy holiday season, and a blessed new year, and please don’t forget the true meaning of Christmas.


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