Greene County feels the ‘Force’

WAYNESBURG – The force was not only strong with the new “Star Wars” film, it was unstoppable.
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the seventh chapter of the legendary franchise that started in 1977, brought in $238 million last weekend, making it the biggest North American debut of all time, according to studio estimates earlier this week.
Fans of the series from all over the world had been anxiously awaiting the new film’s release, and they showed up in droves to theaters, many of whom were wearing costumes in honor of their favorite characters from the films.
The force was even represented by Greene Countians, many of whom flocked to theaters within driving range all throughout the weekend to watch the much-anticipated and critically praised movie.
Brett Spitznogle, Noelle Kreuzer, Shelby Rosinsky and Nathan Truax, all from Greene County, were so excited about seeing the new movie that they took their devotion a few steps – and miles – further than usual. They braved large crowds to attend a preview screening of the film at 11 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 17 – a day before it officially opened nationwide – at the AMC Loews Waterfront Theater in Pittsburgh. And what made the screening even more special for them was that they saw it on the larger IMAX format screen and in 3-D.
They were the first people in a long line to see the film, and they could barely contain their excitement while waiting to be allowed into the theater. But scoring tickets and getting a good spot in line was not easy.
“I had to get the tickets online a while ago, and it was hectic getting them because there was such a high demand,” Spitznogle said. “It took me me two-and-a-half hours online using multiple devices to get those tickets.
“And we got to the theater at 3 p.m. and we got in line at 7 p.m., which was the earliest they would let us get in line. For the IMAX and 3-D, you really have to get great seats. It’s been a long day, but it’s been worth it.”
All four Greene Countians – none of who were born yet when the last movie in the first trilogy, “Return of the Jedi,” was released in the theaters in 1983 – are huge fans of the series and were dressed for the occasion. Spitznogle and Truax were dressed as Siths, while Rosinsky was dressed as Chewbacca and Kreuzer was dressed as R2-D2. To keep themselves entertained in line, they chatted with other fans, they engaged in friendly light-saber jousts with one another (indeed, they all brought one) and most of all, they pondered what was going to happen in the film.
Questions bounced back and forth between them like laser beams: Who’s the new bad guy? Is he more sinister then Darth Vader? How much screen time will Han, Leia and Luke get? Will any of those iconic characters die in this film? Will the movie be as good as the ones in first trilogy? Or, heaven forbid, will it be as bad as those in the second trilogy?
Finally, the theater doors opened and the fans excitedly rushed in. As they hunkered down in their seats, laughing and turning off their cell phones and light sabers, there was a certain quiet hush of the excitement that filled the air while they waited patiently for the film to begin.
But the silence vanished and the cheers erupted the very second the movie started, as John Williams’ classic theme music blared through the speakers and viewers were treated to this iconic sentence on-screen:
“A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”
And thus began the 135-minute-long sci-fi adventure that entertained and thrilled the audience, especially when the heroes of the first trilogy made their long-awaited debuts.
When the film concluded, the audience universally stood up, applauded and cheered. And as they exited the theater, it was obvious that just about everyone in attendance had much praise for it.
Especially those die-hard fans from Greene County.
“That was a lot of fun,” Spitznogle said. “I’d go see it again. Good plot, good acting, great special effects and fight scenes, and it was great to see the old gang again. It is a ‘must go see’ film and most possibly the best movie of 2015. “
Truax had much praise for the director of the film, JJ Abrams.
“All I have to say is, JJ Abrams did what I hoped; he put in a lot of nostalgia, while at the same time creating and setting up his own story,” he said.
Kreuzer said she was impressed with how the film appeals to moviegoers and “Star Wars” fans of all ages.
“It was an amazing experience to see how one movie could bring together so many age groups,” she said.
The only complaint this reporter heard from the moviegoers? That the fans will have to wait until 2017 or longer to see the next chapter.
May the force be with them, indeed.