

5 min read

PHILLIPS REUNION – Descendants of John Mack and Nancy Johnson Phillips will hold their 43rd annual reunion on Saturday, July 18 in the lower level of Building No. 10 at the Greene County Fairgrounds. Dinner will be at 12 p.m. with social time continuing until 4 p.m. Each family is to bring a covered dish. Place settings and soda will be provided. All relatives and friends are cordially invited to attend.

YARD SALE – The 24th annual Cabbage Flats All-Town Yard Sale will be held in Greensboro on Saturday, July 18. For more info, call Mary Shine at 724-943-4462.

CAR SHOW – The Cruizin for Heroes Benefit Car Show will be held at the Waynesburg Central High School on Saturday, July 18. The event will raise money for the Wounded Warriors Project. It is sponsored by the Mason-Dixon Car Club and and will be held from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. For more info, visit

FAMILY REUNION – There will be a family reunion for the descendants of Walter C. Guthrie on July 19 from 12 to 4 p.m. It will be held at Coopers Rock State Forest, Pavilion 2 in Bruceton Mills, West Virginia. bring a covered dish and an item for the raffle. For more information, contact Helen Guthrie Sparenberg at 304-454-2043.

CHURCH ANNIVERSARY – Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church in Dilliner will be celebrating their 150th anniversary on Sunday, July 19. Worship service is at 11 a.m. followed by a covered dish picnic. Music and fellowship will follow the meal. Rain or shine. For more info, call Neila Vernon at 724-324-5054.

BENEFIT DINNER – There will be a creamed chicken and biscuit benefit dinner for Save-A-Horse Stable Horse Sanctuary on Sunday, July 19 at 12 p.m. at the Rogersville Fire hall. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children 10 and under. There will be a Chinese auction, 50/50 raffle and a door prize. For more info, call Darlene Moore at 724-499-8709.

VBS PROGRAM – Greene Valley Presbyterian Church in Carmichaels will hold “The SonSpark Labs Show,” a Vacation Bible School program, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. July 20-24. For more information, call 724-966-5291, or e-mail

RACE/WALK – The 37th annual Rain Day Race/Walk will be held on Saturday, July 25. The first 50 to sign up for the race can enjoy a free-post-race swin at the Alpha Aquatic Center. Registrations are due by July 17. For more info, call Greene County Habitat for Humanity at 724-852-2598.

FLASHLIGHT DRAGS – Flashlight Drags will be held on Sunday, July 26 at the Greene County Airport on Roy Furman Highway in Waynesburg. The costs are $30 to race and $6 to watch. Gates open at 11:30 a.m. and racing starts at 2 p.m. For more info, call 724-852-5323.

FAMILY REUNION – The descendants of Willis Land and Melza Ealy Clutter will be holding their annual family reunion at the Prosperity Park on Sunday, July 26. Lunch will be served at 12 p.m. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish and a new or slightly used item for the white elephant sale. Chicken, coffee, drinks and table service will be provided.

RAIN DAY PAGEANT – The 37th annual Miss Rain Day Scholarship Pageant, sponsored by Rain Day Scholarship, Inc., will be held Sunday, July 26 at 4 p.m. at the Waynesburg Central High School Auditorium. For more info, call 724-592-6032 or 724-747-4506, or visit

RAIN DAY – The 142nd annual Rain Day Celebration will be held in downtown Waynesburg on Wednesday, July 29. Join the residents in a day-long festival that celebrates a 137-year-old bet. For more info, call the Waynesburg Borough Special Events Commission at 724-627-8111, or visit

SPECIAL TRIP – East Franklin Grange No. 1709 is sponsoring a trip to Cass Station on Saturday, Aug. 1. Cost is $100 per person. Bus will leave from the Big Lots parking lot at 6 a.m. For more info, contact Vicki Funk at 724-627-8907 or Martha Williams at 724-627-3498.

CAR SHOW – The 4th annual Classic Car Show will be held on Saturday, Aug. 1 at the Greene County Fairgrounds. Free admission for spectators. Live entertainment, food, raffles, vendors and more. If you are entering your car, registration will start at 11 a.m., $10 per car. For more info, call 724-627-6410.

LIBRARY EVENT – Readers of all ages are invited to participate in the Summer Reading Challenge at the Flenniken Public Library in Carmichaels now through Aug. 14. Track your reading and report the books and time you read to win prizes from the library. Readers are welcome to attend Discovery Classes, but class registration is not required. For more info, call the library at 724-966-5263.

AVIATION DAY – S.O.A.R., a nonprofit specialized aviation group located at the Greene County Airport, invites you to attend the annual Greene County Aviation Day on Saturday, Aug. 22 beginning at 10 a.m. Parking and admission are free.

FRONTIER FESTIVAL – The annual Mason-Dixon Frontier Festival will be held on Aug. 22-23 from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Free admission. Crafts, music, raffles, pre-1840 living history encampment, tractor and car parade, antique engines and cars, Civil War re-enactments and much more. Shuttle service will be available. Take 1-79 to exit 1, Mt. Morris, to Creek Rd. 1/2-mile to Mason-Dixon Park in Pa. For more info, call 304-879-5500 or 304-879-5372, email or go online at

VOLUNTEER TRAINING – The SPHS CARE Center STTARS Program, which serves survivors of sexual violence in Washington and Greene counties, will be hosting a training for those interested in volunteering with the program by working with our hotline and outreach services. To complete an application, or to receive more information, call 724-229-5007 and ask to speak with Pam.

SUPPORT GROUP – T.O.P.S. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) is a weight management support group that meets every Saturday at the Eva K. Bowlby Public Library in Waynesburg from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. New members are always welcome. Call 724-627-9776 for more info.


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