Total absurdity

Over the past several months, the Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA) of Greene County, the Harry Enstrom Chapter, has been gathering data from the state Department of Environmental Protection and West Virginia Water Research Institute (WRI). Along with this data, the IWLA has been doing its own early warning detection on the water in our local area.
Upon compiling the data from the DEP and WRI, it was established that we have evidence that a major water problem may be occurring as you read this column. The IWLA on many occasions has requested that the DEP do extensive water testing in our area. This is where the “absurdity” comes into play.
The DEP agreed to test our local waters and did so; however, their results are useless. The DEP collected water samples on June 22 and June 23. Herein lies the problem. On June 21, the flow rate on Ten Mile Creek was over 2,200 cu. ft./sec. in the early morning hours. The normal flow for Ten Mile Creek for this time of year is 25 cu ft/sec. This puts the flow rate at 90 times normal. How can anyone do an accurate test with such a massive dilution factor? Even on June 22, the flow rate was around 360 cu ft/sec. This is 13 times normal.
Since radium 226 and bromide are highly soluble in water, the environmental conditions exclude accurate results. The dilution factor is just too high for test results to be true. With this in mind, the IWLA contacted WRI and follow-up tests were undertaken at a later date, on June 25. The IWLA was also contacted by Duke University in North Carolina and they also conducted a full-scale test, on June 29. Three universities have agreed to return to the area when the water conditions are at yearly normal and do a complete test on radiation in not only Ten Mile Creek but also Smith Creek and Whiteley Creek.
I feel these results will be a better depiction of the actual problem that is taking place in our area. (UPDATE: Additional testing has been done but the results have not been made available yet.) Testing at flood stage is mind-boggling to me. It has to be “absurdity.” I have no other explanation.
The second part of this “absurdity” is the fact that the IWLA has been accused of having bad results from their water testing. This idea is based on the fact that someone has presumed that the results presented in the town hall meeting belongs to the IWLA. This is an outright lie. Watch the YouTube video entitled “Radiation in Ten Mile Creek” and see for yourself.
Maybe those individuals who presume incorrectly that the test results are from the IWLA should watch the YouTube video or attend one of the town hall meetings. There have been two meetings and not one person from Rep. Pam Snyder’s office, the Greene County commissioners’ office, the soil conservation office, DEP or the Fish and Boat Commission has attended.
THESE ARE NOT THE IWLA RESULTS. THEY ARE FROM THE DEP AND WRI, WHICH USE CERTIFIED LABS. Do you understand? They can attack the IWLA organization and the results, but the issue remains that, according to the DEP, we have radiation in our streams and it is not going to go away. They can try to discredit the messenger but the problem will remain. Certain political officials were sent a copy of the same results that the IWLA was able to obtain. If these officials can not interpret the results, try asking someone who can. Shouldn’t they get their facts straight before trying to discredit the results? I stand by my YouTube comments and am willing to debate anyone on the information given in the video.
The results given to me by the DEP are alarming, to say the least. That is why after consulting and meeting with WRI and two other universities, it was decided to do more testing. If the certified lab results from the DEP were wrong, then we will find it. If the results are correct, then we have a major environmental disaster on our hands. Then what? Whether my integrity is attacked or not, the radiation will still be there if the present results are correct.
May I suggest to all, that if you think that this is some kind of ploy, that you start doing extensive research on the water yourself? Instead of attacking us, why don’t you have a meeting with the IWLA and discuss what is really happening? Maybe once educated, a solution might be forthcoming, if there is one? I am going to suggest that anyone who is in doubt about the problem, that you educate yourself and get the facts instead of spreading unsubstantiated opinions.
I have always believed that the truth will surface, no matter how hard it is tried to be covered. We crucified a person for telling the truth, but the truth is still there.