Another memorable Mother’s Day
…I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day this past weekend. I always enjoy spending some quality time with my Mom on this special day; I know I sound like an old softie, but to be honest, it seems like I grow to appreciate special holidays like this more and more with each passing year.
One of my favorite Mother’s Day traditions is when I sit with my Mom and family and we begin reminiscing about the “old days,” about growing up on Waynesburg’s north side and all of the memories we shared.
And then, it never fails…at some point I always sit back and quietly think about my childhood days and how I said and did so many things to disrespect my mother (and father), and I did it mostly out of rebellion, and often out of stupidity.
And I always find it amazing that despite all of those times I hurt her feelings or added a few gray hairs on her head, that she still proudly calls me “son.”
So, Mom, if you’re reading this, I just want to say “I’m Sorry” for being such a brat when I was younger…And most importantly, I want to say “Thank You” again for all that you have done for me.
To be sure, this Mother’s Day was very special to me, for many reasons. In addition to spending the day with many wonderful moms — including my mother, mother-in-law, sister and sisters-in-law — and a few other close members of the family, I actually got to be able to enjoy an incredible meal at Joe’s Crab Shack in Pittsburgh. (Seriously, if you’ve never been there and love crab legs, you absolutely must go there.)
But above all the other reasons, it truly was a memorable Mother’s Day because it was the third one for my wife Crystal.
Faithful readers of this column should know the long road that we had to travel to finally be able to have a child, so I won’t go through the long story here again.
But suffice to say, it would be a massive understatement to say that after 10 years of trying to have a child and finally having our prayers answered we are blessed to be able to celebrate wonderful events like Mother’s Day.
As for our son Bryson, he is a little over two-and-a-half years old and has been an absolute bundle of joy each and every day. It has been amazing to watch him grow and change by the day, and we have experienced so much happiness in our everyday lives by being parents.
We are blessed that he is healthy and happy, that he is developing perfectly and that his personality is really coming through.
He is extremely active, energetic and creative, he immensely enjoys playing outdoors, he loves to read and he loves it when we read to him, and he constantly brings joy to our hearts through his infectious smiles, laughter and actions.
In every way imaginable, Bryson has changed me for the better.
He has made my marriage stronger and our families closer, and he has made me more responsible, mature and compassionate. And most important of all, he gives me opportunities to see just how incredible a person my wife truly is.
Each and every day I watch Crystal be “Super Mom” to our son, and I am simply awestruck.
There is no doubt in my mind that she was born to be a mother, and I am so thankful to be married to someone who has been blessed by God with the gifts that she has when it comes to parenting. She works full-time, she keeps the house in order and cooks meals, and somehow, someway she finds the strength and energy to be the most tender, loving caring mom that I have ever seen.
(In the time that it takes me to walk the dog, she will have given Bryson a bath, fed him dinner and read him a book. Sometimes I get tired just watching her in action.)
No matter how busy or hectic her work day is, no matter how tired she is, when she walks through our front door and scoops Bryson up in her arms, her eyes light up and she is absolutely radiant.
Sometimes I see so much love in her eyes and feel so much love in her heart for that child that I am surprised she doesn’t burst. And it’s a love that incredibly seems to grow with each passing day.
And the greatest thing is, the feeling is undeniably mutual.
When Bryson sees her and is held by her, his eyes light up the room and he is happy. No, it’s more than happy. He is content. Because when you look into his eyes, you can tell that he knows he is truly, deeply, unconditionally loved by his Mommy (and Daddy too). There is a bond there that is touching, and wonderful, and absolutely beautiful.
And I just realized something else: That because she is such an awesome mom, she has made me strive to be a better parent as well. Every day, she teaches me something about what it means to be a good father, a strong role model and a responsible, caring parent. And I will always be grateful to her for that.
No doubt about it, this Mother’s Day was once again a very emotional day for her and for us and our families, and I know that no matter what Mother’s Day gift I could have given Crystal that day, it would pale in comparison to the gift that she — and we — have already been given, a gift that we cherish and thank God for every day.
And speaking of precious gifts, we are now praying that in the very near future God will grant us with one more special present.
A sibling for Bryson…