Memorial Day and birthday blues
…Well, the 2015 primary election has come and gone, and I hope that the overall turnout was positive. (Election results were not known at the time I wrote this column.) I know that election turnouts are typically low in Greene County, and I am interested to see how this year’s election turned out. Be sure to check out our election coverage in this very issue.
Anyway, with the election now behind us, we can look ahead at the schedule for the rest of May and into the coming summer months, and see that there are a wide array of events that are on the horizon. For example, the 58th annual Waynesburg Charity Horse Show will be held at the Greene County Fairgrounds May 22, 23 and 24. Classes are offered for all types of horses including the American Saddlebred, Arabians, Equitation, Friesian, Hackney Ponies, Half-Arabians, Morgans, Tennessee Walking Horses, Western and a large Open Division. Proceeds will benefit the Greene County Humane Society.
Also, Flashlight Drags will be held at the Greene County Airport on Sunday, May 31 from 2 to 6 p.m. Cost is $30 to race, $6 to watch. Gates will open at 11:30 a.m. and racing will start at 2 p.m. Other scheduled dates for drags include June 28, July 26, Aug. 30 and Sept. 12. Dates are subject to change, rain dates will be the following weekend if schedules permit. Call 724-852-5323 or visit for more info.
And speaking of upcoming events, I want to encourage all of the local folks to attend a Memorial Day parade and/or ceremony nearest you this coming weekend. It is my sincerest hope that more people will attend these patriotic events than in years past, especially since our county has so many area veterans, both living and deceased, who deserve to be honored.
It is such a shame that more residents do not make more of an effort to get out and celebrate their freedom and honor those soldiers, past and present, who have served our country, who fought for and are now fighting for the red, white and blue. The turnouts for the ceremonies held on Memorial Day and Veterans Day are traditionally low, which in my opinion is shameful. (By the way, for those who DID attend a service and paid respects, we salute you.)
We ask all readers to please think of the Memorial Day weekend as more than just a three-day vacation, and take the time to really remember just why we celebrate this day.
The Messenger’s editorial staff will do our best to provide coverage from many of the areas where Memorial Day events are being held…
…Here’s an upcoming event I’m not so thrilled about: I just looked at my desk calendar and realized with horror that my 47th birthday is less than two weeks away. Oh joy. To say that I’m not looking forward to this event would be the understatement of the year.
Look, I know I’m being melodramatic and I know that turning 47 (ugh) is not the end of the world. I know that there are many things for which I should be grateful — for example, decent health, a loving family, a terrific wife, a beautiful and healthy son, good friends, and the opportunity to whine in my own column every week — but it doesn’t change the fact that I hate getting older. And I think this fear of aging is why I do everything I can to stay young at heart as long as I can.
This is why I still blare 80s songs loudly in my car, play video games and wear ripped, faded jeans from time to time: they remind me of a simpler time, when I was younger and had fewer responsibilities and cares in the world (and about 40 fewer pounds on my frame).
So, even though I am approaching yet another birthday, even though I find myself turning down the volume on my stereo a little more with each passing year and I spend more time these days worrying about my weight and health than I did in my younger days, I guess I can take small comfort in knowing that there will always be a part of me that will stay a ‘kid at heart,’ no matter how many years go by.
And from the bottom of my heart, I truly thank my wife for always letting me hold on to a small part of “Younger Steve,” especially now as birthday number 47 is rearing its ugly head.
Anyway, despite the fact that I’m dreading the impending birthday, I think my wife may have given me a terrific early birthday present the other day when we sat down and started mapping out our summer plans. After a very stressful and hectic past year, we decided that we were going to make some plans to enjoy ourselves this summer, especially with our son. And it was with much happiness that we started penciling in on our calendar a number of fun excursions that we hope to partake in this summer, including trips to Tennessee, Ocean City and Ohiopyle, and visits to various Pittsburgh attractions such as Kennywood, Sandcastle and the zoo, not to mention attending Pirates games and concerts, going to the Sky View Drive-in, hosting a few cookouts, and much more.
One big bout of summer fun that we are really looking forward to is attending many Washington Wild Things baseball games at Consol Energy Park. As a longtime Wild Things fan, I cannot stress how much I enjoy going to the games. It’s a short drive from home, the prices are very reasonable, the food is terrific, there isn’t a bad seat in the house and there is always plenty of fun things to do at a game. The games are very family-friendly, and to me there is nothing better than enjoying a baseball game on a warm and pleasant summer night. (Here’s hoping we actually have some of those this summer.)
The team has many, many home games scheduled this summer, so if you get a chance, get out to their stadium, support the team and have great time. And by the way, you can get ticket info by calling 724-250-9555 or visiting…