Pancake breakfast to benefit Aviation Day
WAYNESBURG — Those anticipating this year’s Aviation Day at the Greene County Airport on Aug. 13 and 14 have a chance to help support the popular free event by attending a pancake and sausage breakfast from 8 a.m. to noon tomorrow at the Waynesburg Airport.
The breakfast, which will be held rain or shine, will include a menu of sausage patties, pancakes, coffee, orange juice and water, all for a cost of $7 per person.
At the moment, organizers for SOAR (Save Our Aviation Resources), the breakfast sponsor, are trying to add sausage and biscuits to the menu, but details have not yet been finalized and may not materialize.
“No reservations are necessary,” said John Strope of Brownsville, SOAR operations director and pancake turner at the breakfast. “Just drive in, show up and sit down to a good meal.”
Strope claims that last year’s breakfast was quite the success, and that people said they loved the pancakes, made from a mix they pick up at Sam’s Club. The breakfast earned about $900 to help support Aviation Day, a.k.a., Airport Awareness Day.
“If we start running out of food, there’s a Wal-Mart up on the hill,” Strope said.
Those flying in who think they have the “Right Stuff” can attempt to nail the spot landing line, weather permitting. Those who land on the line will be treated to a complimentary breakfast.
Those interested in aviation are invited to attend two free seminars on aviation safety. The seminars will begin at 10 a.m. and will include Henrick Velstrop of FAAST (Federal Aviation Administration Safety Team) speaking on updates of the current safety procedures and Rich Judy talking about modern avionics that can access information on an I-pad and interface with the plane’s avionics.
“Henrick Velstrop has been doing these seminars for the FAA for several years,” Strope said.
Both the breakfast and seminars will be held in the community hangar – the last in the row of newer, yellowish-tan hangars nearest the runway. It is located on the eastern end of the field (Waynesburg is to the west).
“Look for the rowdy crowd, parked cars and airplanes,” Strope said.
For more information, call John Strope at 724-984-4587 or Max Loughman at 724-344-9693, or visit the website