Vehicles collide
A vehicle driven by Paula Gaskill, 41, of Hibbs collided with a vehicle driven by Robin Anderson, 63, of Jefferson, at 12:20 p.m. July 13 in the Wal-Mart parking lot in Franklin Township, state police said. Gaskill was charged with driving while operating privileges were suspended or revoked.
Threats made
State police charged Shawn Hoffman, 18, of Dunkard Township with harassment after he allegedly threatened to physically harm Alex Shuppe, 54, of Dunkard Township, July 14, in Newton Village.
Harassment reported
Jenna Wolfe, 19, of Wayne Village told state police she and Joseph Miller Jr., 19, of Jefferson Estates got into an argument while traveling on Rolling Meadows Road near the intersection with Willow Drive in Franklin Township at 3 p.m. July 16. She told police Miller struck her head with a closed fist. Wolfe then exited the vehicle and Miller drove away. Police said Miller was cited for harassment at the office of Magisterial District Judge Glenn Bates.
Extortion reported
State police reported that an unidentified male from New Freeport received a phone call June 19 from a man claiming he was going to turn him into police for child pornography unless he sent $2,444 money via Western Union. Police did not list the address to where the money was to be sent.