Deadline approaching for Rotary Club, Chamber scholarships applications
WAYNESBURG – Each year, the Rotary Club of Waynesburg and the Greene County Chamber of Commerce award scholarships to worthy high school students.
The deadline to submit applications offered by these two organizations for this year is April 13.
The awards are selected based on academic performance, community service involvement, letters of recommendation and the students’ response to the essay question, “What does the Rotary motto, ‘service above self’ mean to you?”
“Annually, the club selects two $1,000 recipients from the applications received,” said Melody Longstreth, chairman of the club’s scholarship committee, in a release recently issued by the Rotary Club. “The committee is always very impressed by the quality of our applicants and enjoy learning about the many talented and generous students we have here in Greene County.”
The scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors who reside in Greene County. Applicants must provide a brief essay, 400 words or less, on what the Rotary motto, “Service Above Self” means to them. A list of community service experiences, including dates and a brief description of each, must also be submitted, along with a list of school organizations to which the applicant belongs, any offices held and any work experience if applicable.
In addition, two letters of recommendation from a teacher, school administrator, employer, pastor or other adult who has knowledge of the student’s qualifications, should be included in the application package.
Applications have been sent to the five area high schools, the Greene County Career and Technology Center and the Open Door Christian School. Applications may also be obtained by calling 724-627-5926. Applications can be mailed by postal mail or sent by email upon request.
This is the 28th anniversary of the Greene County Chamber of Commerce Scholarship. The scholarship program is open to any Greene County student who will be graduating senior in 2018. In addition to the $1,500 scholarship the winner will also receive a laptop, courtesy of Pcsquared.
The Chamber urges all high school seniors who have been accepted to a college or technical school as an incoming freshman this fall and have maintained a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or better while in high school, to apply for this scholarship.
The Chamber also will award the “Dr. Nancy I. Davis Memorial Leadership Scholarship” and the “Dr. Nancy I. Davis Memorial Scholarship for Educational Support” in memory of the late Dr. Nancy I. Davis.
The scholarships were established to honor the memory of Davis, who was an educator and advocate for education. In 2016 and 2017, the annual GreeneScene Road Rally, presented exclusively by Fox Ford of Waynesburg, raised funds for the scholarship awards.
Applicants will be required to submit a narrative on how they have demonstrated leadership in education and a list of community involvement along with verification of enrollment. Applicants will also be interviewed by a panel of qualified judges. The scholarship program is open to any Greene County resident who is enrolled or accepted in an undergraduate or graduate program.
A second scholarship was established to aid teachers in their classrooms by providing scholarships to fund a particular project or need that will be used to enrich the learning experience in the classroom.
Applications are available at the Chamber of Commerce Office at 3157 Mt. Morris Road, by calling the chamber at 724-627-5926 or downloading an application from the chamber website at www.
Completed applications for these scholarships must be submitted by 4 p.m. April 13. The winners will be announced in early May and the scholarships will be presented at the chamber’s general membership luncheon May 30 at Waynesburg University.