“What would Gina do?”
Happy Easter! Oh – this is my favorite holiday! I love Easter. I love what it represents for the Christian faith. I am so grateful for this reminder and celebration of God’s sacrifice, His only son Jesus to die on a cross for my sins and then to raise from the dead in power. I love Easter!
In preparation for today’s article, I began thinking about what to write and prayed, asking God to make it plain what I was to share with you. And then, “light bulb.” Today, I’d like to share with you the story of the cross from my perspective. Lets call this chat, “What would Gina do?” And for you ultra conservative Christians who will want to lodge a complaint against me, citing blasphemy, just hold your horses and read the whole article. And to those of you who are now more interested in reading the article because I insinuated that I might be heading down a treacherous path, you definitely need Jesus. OK — lets dig in.
Around this time each year, I typically watch The Passion of The Christ. If you’ve never heard of or watched this movie, I really encourage you to do so. It is the 2004 depiction of Jesus’ life and primarily focuses on his last days and crucifixion. In the movie, Jim Caviezel plays Jesus. During the scenes where Jesus is sentenced to death, his flesh torn from his skin by whips, carries his cross, and then his body is nailed to it, I sob like a baby. I sit in humble adoration and gratitude that someone, would lay down their life for me so that I could have an opportunity at everlasting life in glory. I still can’t believe it. As I look at His torn flesh, exhausted bloody body, nail-pierced hands and feet, I know that there is absolutely no way that I could do that. Could I be unfairly prosecuted, sentenced to death, and suffer on a cross for the world’s chance (chance — because not everybody is going to Heaven. We’ve got to make some choices so that deal is sealed. He just bought us the opportunity. We’ve got to make it happen.) at eternal salvation? I had to ask myself, what would Gina do?
If I were sentenced to death and my Father knew about it, having planned it from the beginning, I would be upset. Wouldn’t you? He sent me to earth, asking me to share His word, perform miracles, love on His children, and share parables to teach all the principles by which to live. Over time I encountered those who questioned my authority and challenged by leadership; but I was able to handle that. Then folks got really mad. They decide that its time for me to die for my transgressions against their man-made laws (skip the laws my dad wrote.) And even one of my homies decides to betray me for some pennies.
I am then publicly mocked, bruised and beaten. I lose so much blood. My eye swells shut. My face is now unrecognizable. I must now carry a cross to the top of a hill. I have not eaten and had no water. I am so tired. The guards continue to beat me and I am unable to go on. They provide me with help for the moment. The pain is still unbearable; but I must move forward to my destiny. Even in the midst of the pain, I challenge myself to think of why I’ve been asked to do this. I think of all my brothers and sisters, my Father’s children, who will now one day be able to live with us in glory. The beating continues and I am almost at the top of the hill.
The guards lay me down on the cross. They tie one arm to the cross and place a nail on my wrist. The guard is about to pound the nail into my wrist. STOP! I jump up, my body completely healed and I am no longer on the cross. The guards and those gathered around stare in awe of what they witnessed. They say, she must truly be the daughter of God the most high. Yep. That’s what Gina would’ve done. Ain’t nobody puttin a nail in me for the sins of all man-kind. Do you know how much man-kind sucks?
While I was walking up the hill, carrying the cross, my Father showed me my brothers and sisters who I was dying for. Specifically, He showed me those living in 2018 America. All I could think was, “Why God why hast thou forsaken me and asked me to save these fools who do not know you, care for their brother and sister, honor their parents, or lead their children? Why would you want me to die, experience so much pain for people who only seek to constantly live above their means and then beg You to get them out of debt? Why would you want me to die, experience so much pain for people who continue to cause division between your children of different races and nationalities when You’ve told them that you made everyone in your image? Why would you want me to die, experience so much pain for people who use the money and influence You gave them to manipulate government and further disenfranchise those You charged to their care? Why would you want me to die, experience so much pain for people who stand at Your altar, dressed behind Your pulpit, and claim to preach Your word, but misuse church funds and live lives without You in it? Why would you want me to die for such a people, Father? (ya’ll know I got more to list – but I only have so much space)
Yep. You’re right. It’s a good thing that Gina ain’t Jesus – cause we’d all be stuck like Chuck. But its so good to know that we serve a God who loves us so much that He sent His only begotten son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) Its such good news that Jesus didn’t use any of His heavenly power to remove Himself from the cross and abandon the charge on His life to save us from eternal damnation. Its such good news to know that even though we sin against the Father, that we refuse to uphold His commandments and that we’ve abandoned the charges (callings) on our lives, He still loves us and is waiting for us in glory. Its good news my friends that today, you can choose to live the life you’ve been called to live and serve the kingdom with all of your heart and might. Today is about that good news! Celebrate with me that Jesus paid it all and that Gina wasn’t even asked! Love you. Happy Easter!
Gina Watts is a former resident of Fayette County, now living in Columbus, Ohio. She serves multiple communities as an advocate, educator, and leader. Follow Gina on Twitter @professorgmarie.